Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!

Awesome Videos to Watch Now

Amazing Windows 98 Song Video | Jamming With Old School Computer Sounds

Ahhh, the memories this song brings back. Who knew a near-masterpice could be composed using only the Windows 98/XP default sounds?...
Iman Peera
20 sec read

Uncertainty Movie Trailer Video | Indie Flick Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Lynn Collins

This is the movie trailer for a new independent movie called Uncertainty. It was written and directed by Scott McGehee and...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Us Now: New Social Networking Documentary (Full Movie) | Can Web Communities Change Our Government?

“More people can say more things to more people than ever in history.” The interconnectedness of the web has been, no...
Iman Peera
48 sec read

New Trailer For Dragonball Online MMORPG Video | Watch Out World Of Warcraft

As a fan of everything related with the Dragonball series, this game looks like a wet dream. World Of Warcraft may...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Creepy Halo Cloud Over Moscow Video | UFO Sighting Or Natural Phenomenon?

Some are speculating that this footage is another fake UFO sighting while others are siding with the natural phenomenon theory. I...
Iman Peera
22 sec read

Can a Godless Society be ‘Good’? Interview Video | Religion Doesn’t Always Equal Prosperity

“Is the belief in (or fear of, depending on your point of view) God necessary to have a “good” society? What...
30 sec read

Watch Funny CBC Being Erica Promo ‘Day 16 – Cake Wreck’ Video

According to Murphy’s Law, any responsibility given to you by your superior will go horribly wrong and – if you have...
23 sec read

Disturbing Children’s Toy Advertisement Video | The Oozinator’s the Next Super Soaker

In the tradition of the Super Soaker comes the Oozinator … sort of.
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Topless Asian Man Dancing With Games Collection (Video) | What Was He Thinking?

There are a lot of videos on the Internet in places such as YouTube which leave me asking the question: What...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Dyson Bladeless Fan Reaction Video | Air Multiplier Desktop Fan Blows People Away

Dyson is one of the most innovative companies in the world. James Dyson is an inventor who is constantly trying to...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Funny Jimmy Carr Improv Comedy Stand Up Video | Gay Owls & Rotating Heads

What would make Jimmy Carr turn gay? Not another man…
22 sec read

Watch Rachel Campos-Duffy on The View (Video) | Obama Nobel Peace Prize & Pregnancy Announcement

Guest co-host, standing in for Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s, Rachel Campos-Duffy states on The View that she believes Obama’s stance on abortion makes...
25 sec read

Horny Parrot Shags TV Presenter Video | Mark Carwadine’s Close Encounter on BBC’s “Last Chance to See”

W.C. Fields once famously said you should never work with animals or small children. Perhaps Mark Carwadine, of the BBC’s nature...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Michael Moore Vs. Sean Hannity Video | Fox News Debate Between Left and Right Wing

Everyone is entitled to their political view, no matter how strongly others may disagree with it. And this video shows what...
Dave Parrack
51 sec read

New Michael Jackson Song ‘This Is It’ Video | Jacko Release From Beyond The Grave

When a musician dies, the estate always manages to find unreleased material lurking somewhere just waiting to be unleashed on the...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Fatty Sign of the Apocalypse Video | 1500 Calorie Bacon Cheese Doughnut Burger

“I dunno man…there are signs of the apocalypse…this may be one of them.” These burgers need to come with a warning...
Iman Peera
22 sec read

Watch Animated ‘The History of Weed – Part Two’ Video | Showtime’s TV Show ‘Weeds’ Promo

Another brief animated history of weed from the producers of Showtime’s television show ‘Weeds’.
25 sec read

Watch How to Make Spicy Pumpkin Seed & Cilantro Veggie Dip Video | Raw Food Recipe

One healthy guy living the raw food life shows you how to make a very quick and easy spicy pumpkin seed...
24 sec read

Stan Walker “Australian Idol” Top 7 Video | Soul Singer Does Beyonce on Big Band Night

Big Band and Beyonce doesn’t sound like a natural marriage, but somehow soul star Stan Walker pulled it off on last...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Scouse Version Of ‘Poo At Paul’s’ Video | Glade Air Freshener Ad Remade For Liverpool

For an advert to grab me these days, and prevent me from changing to another channel, they have to be original...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Whip It 2009 Movie Trailer Vid | Ellen Page Stars In Drew Barrymore’s Directorial Debut

Drew Barrymore has been an actress for, well, as long as I can remember, appearing in E.T. at the age of...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

2Pac The Lost Interview (Parts 1-6) Videos | VIBE Magazine’s Unreleased Footage

Last month, VIBE magazine revealed they still had unreleased footage acquired from a 13 year-old interview with influential rapper Tupac Shakur....
Iman Peera
32 sec read

Watch Man Pay Impound Fee with 8800 Pennies (Funny Video) | Revenge Against Towing Company

When you are feeling a bit shafted by ‘The Man’ and want to get a little harmless revenge, why not try...
23 sec read

Watch Part One of Lifetime Movie ‘Gracie’s Choice’ Video | Based on True Events

Kristen Bell stars as Gracie Thomposon in a 2004 Lifetime movie based on true events surrounding the case of an eldest...
21 sec read

Halo 3 Online Abuse Video | What Happens When ‘Jesus Died LOL’ Is Your Xbox Gamertag

Religious intolerance is as bad as sexism, racism, ageism, and any other form of prejudice that exists. But it can, on...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Funny Talking Animals Video | “Walk on the Wild Side” Gives Critters a Voice

This cute clip, from the British comedy Walk on the Wild Side, gives animals a voice.
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Does Obama Dserve Nobel Peace Prize? (Vid) | Americans On The Street Give Opinions

It was revealed yesterday that Barack Obama, President of the United States, has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. But does...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Amazing Burning Tree Explodes Video | Powerful Electric Surge Splits Tree In Half

This is why power lines and trees don’t mix. Watch in amazement as a giant tree that took decades to grow...
Iman Peera
23 sec read

Watch Keene, NH Marijuana Supporters Smoke Pot in Public Video | Police Stop Arresting Smokers

Make sure to read the description. “The Free-Staters started a 420 Cannabis Calebration movement in Keene, NH, where everyone bands together...
24 sec read

First Duggar Family Grandchild Born (News Vid) | Mackynzie Renee Newest TLC Star

The massive Duggar family of TLC’s 18 Kids and Couting has added the very first member of the next generation of...
23 sec read