Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Grand Theft Auto 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony is the latest expansion pack for GTA 4. This trailer does a...
Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009. But despite there being a public memorial soon after, he’s only just been buried....
A video demonstration from E3 2009 showing the enormous character (and accessory) customization that will be available to players who play...
Watch the trailer for a strange new internet sensation: The Gonzales Contata, inspired by former attorney general Alberto Gonzales. Who said...
Salt water, as we all know, is probably the most plentiful natural resource on the planet. While doing cancer research, one...
In the tradition of LOLCats comes “All My Kittehs” a soap which reveals the secretly dramatic lives of our furry friends.
Modern Warfare 2 is one of the most eagerly awaited video games of this year. It’s a sequel to the first...
This is the now infamous ‘I Pledge’ video which has caused controversy around the United States. The reason? Because it’s being...
Though incredibly destructive, this video shows the strange natural beauty to wildfires…
At this point, not much is known besides police are searching San Bruno, California’s Skyline College Campus for a shooter who...
I’ve often wondered why women feel the need to carry massive handbags around with them at all times while men can...
Next time someone attacks you with a shovel, make sure you’re packing putty.
Whitney Houston was/is a diva who still has a great many fans, despite not recording or performing live much in recent...
This PBS documentary takes a look at the so-called best medical system in the world.
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar happily announce on The Today Show that they are pregnant with their nineteenth child while also...
Science and fun combine in this cool clip showing the wonder of Bucky Balls.
This video is a PSA (Public Service Announcement) from the South Australian government. It tries to persuade people to get flu...
This generation’s console war is busily going on between Nintendo, with the Wii, Microsoft, with the Xbox 360, and Sony, with...
Bon Jovi’s ‘Livin’ On A Prayer’ is one of the most iconic songs of the 80’s. Proof of it’s power to...
All reality TV show contestants get a little excited about the prospect of scoring that big break. But X Factor hopeful...
It seems that not a year goes by when Los Angeles doesn’t suffer from wildfires raging out of control. This year’s...
This video proves a couple of undeniable facts: the Japanese are insane, seriously, or at least the ones who appear on...
The Raelians are a religious group that has a UFO-based mythology. It’s a little like Scientology without the financial commitment. And...
This just goes to show you that it’s not failure that defines a person; rather, it is what you do after...
You’ve got to have some balls to run one of those businesses that is regularly targeted by robbers. Banks are obviously...
Edward Kennedy, better known as Ted, was a member of the famous Kennedy family and a United States senator. He died...
You don’t need to speak Russian to fall in love with this clever European commercial. After all, bad service is a...
I’m so glad I’m British and don’t have to put up with people like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly...
Today would have been Michael Jackson’s 51st birthday if he hadn’t passed away in June. He did die but that doesn’t...
The Free Hugs campaign spread like fire though one viral video, so why not Free Beats? It’s not a movement yet,...