Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
When you see a video starring a couple of college boys, you know you’re in for some completely crazy high jinks....
I don’t think I’ll ever understand religion in the organized sense of the word. We each have our own beliefs, some...
Big Brother UK is just airing its tenth season, with a week of birthday celebrations planned to commemorate the anniversary. But...
Here’s a video that puts every beer pong one to shame. In fact, the tricks in here are almost too good…
32 year old David Smith has undergone an amazing transformation as he lost 410 pounds over the course of 26 months.
All sympathy I had for Arturo Gatti’s wife yesterday has disappeared as Brazilian officials have arrested Amanda Rodrigues and plan to...
They say that slow and steady wins the race, but only the speediest amongst us end up in a video montage...
If you haven’t yet heard of Bruno, both the man and the movie, then you must have been living in a...
Ina Garten is The Barefoot Contessa, a homely cook who makes delicious meals using fresh ingredients and time-saving tips. Which makes...
It’s been a week since the 4th of July has passed, but the videos of fireworks accidents just keep on pouring...
“From Michael Moore’s July 10/09 e-mail: We’ve just been informed that Bill Moyers, on his show later tonight, will expose for...
While on a second honeymoon in Brazil with his wife and ten month old baby, former boxing champion Arturo Gatti was...
Roland Emmerich’s new film 2012 is already scoring some pretty serious internet hype thanks to its stellar cast and liberal use...
The Hangover has so far been the surprise hit of 2009. A middle-aged frat boy comedy, it has managed to hold...
The consumption of fruit and vegetables is considered the key to a healthy body. But if you’re like me and struggle...
As she proclaims in this video, Nigella Lawson is not known for her patience, so you can be guaranteed a delicious...
To check out the booty or not to check out the booty. That is the question.
If you thought George Bush and Sarah Palin were the dumbest American politicians, you may want to meet a new contender....
Video Games | HAWP | Once Upon a Pixel HD XBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii If you’ve never...
The Pamplona bull runs are clearly lots of fun. What isn’t to love about an annual event which sees people gored...
If there was an NBA for pool basketball, these guys would be in it for sure.
Talk to your parents about pornography computer viruses before someone else does.
Bernard Hinault gives his analysis (with English translation) of the critical Stage 7 of the Tour de France and who he...
If you’ve ever wrestled with a banana, this video may be just what you’re looking for.
It’s happened to all of us at one time or another. You go to the theater to watch a new movie,...
Celebrities having a wardrobe malfunction has become an almost weekly occurrence. You can be guaranteed of seeing some hot celeb’s flesh...
Bruno just can’t seem to stop committing sexual acts on TV can he? First there was the incident with Eminem, and...
Today’s parents have a whole new world of a job ahead of them with raising teenagers. With teens disregarding oral sex,...
More details as well as photos are being revealed in relation to the deaths of former NFL quarterback Steve McNair and...
This is the sort of video I sort of wish I could “un-see.” As I can’t, I’m doing the next best...