Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Transformers 2 clocks in at about 2 and 1/2 hours. Rather than wasting $8.50 on a horrible evening, I suggest you...
Jermaine Jackson speaks about his brother’s death just hours after Michael Jackson died.
You don’t get much better than the beautiful Jennifer Garner dancing to one of Michael Jackson’s best group dance songs: Thriller.
They say everyone’s got a talent, but some are weirder than others. Take Scott Weaver, who’s skilled in the art of...
Michael Jackson’s death has prompted an outpouring of grief and platitudes I’ve only ever experienced once before – when Princess Diana...
In light of his death, a lot of people have been looking at Michael Jackson’s career and declaring that we’ve lost...
This is the last (released) footage of Michael Jackson talking about his 2009 tour. Back in April, there was a huge...
And the cause of death is… “Deferred” according to the coroner in this news clip. In other words, we’ll have to...
Matt Preston is a pretty unlikely sex symbol. He’s fat. He wears cravats. He’s got a rather pompous air about him....
You may be aware of the relatively recent trend where people record videos of themselves unboxing a new gadget or piece...
There are a lot of clips of this call going around the net and being shown on TV, but here is...
Michael Jackson is dead, at the tender age of 50. He died in hospital after suffering a cardiac arrest in his...
There wasn’t a kid I knew growing up who didn’t try to moonwalk. Michael Jackson had an effect on people that...
Another icon, not just for Hollywood, but for the world has fallen. King of Pop superstar Michael Jackson has been reported...
70s icon Farrah Fawcett lost her battle with cancer, passing away with friends including her long-term love Ryan O’Neal by her...
OK, so it’s not actually a Silvio Berlusconi sex tape, but it is a kind of simulated sex tape. It’s probably...
Burger King produce some fantastically tasty burgers. I’m a fan. But I’m not so sure about the direction their latest print...
While the order would have been a bit different had I decided, pretty much all of these animated hotties would be...
At first I thought this was a comedy skit. The very thought that this was an actual televised event seemed ridiculous....
Cover your ears because this is when I do my highly embarrassing childish squeal of delight.
Residents of Tulsa, Oklahoma got a bonus with their soda recently: a couple of raccoons! The cute critters were trapped inside...
The first thing I do every morning is make myself a cup of coffee. Well actually that’s a lie, the first...
Transformer: Revenge Of The Fallen is now out in cinemas everywhere. But is it worth going to see? This guy, giving...
If you enjoy spoof movies like Scary Movie, you’ll enjoy this short from Douglas Jordan who went on to direct and...
Rick Steves, co-author of over twenty books and advocate for marijuana law reform in the United States, sits down for a...
Television icon Ed McMahon died just after midnight on June 23rd at the age of 86. While an exact cause of...
After months of speculation, Jon and Kate Gosselin have announced their legal separation on their reality TV show, Jon and Kate...
There I was thinking most people were intelligent, knowledgeable, and tech-minded these days. I was clearly wrong, as this random selection...
I should like Perez Hilton. After all, he’s a fellow blogger and one who has managed to turn blogging into a...