Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!

Awesome Videos to Watch Now

Iranian Elections Rigged? Video | Jon Stewart Points Out The Facts

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Irandecision 2009 – Sham, Wow If you haven’t...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

2009 Country Music Television Awards Vid | Taylor Swift ‘Love Story’ Female Video of the Year

Congratulations to Taylor Swift, who won best female video of the year at the CMT Music Awards. That is not to...
21 sec read

Romantic Office Relationship Short Film Video | “Post-it Love”

This sweet romantic film, “Post-It Love,” is set to make you see the world a little brighter.
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Weird Al Yankovic Sings ‘Craigslist’ Video | In The Style Of Jim Morrison & The Doors

Weird Al Yankovic is nothing short of a genius. Who else has produced as many great songs, while spoofing other artists...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Puppy Flushed Down Toilet Video | Why You Should Never Leave A 4-Year-Old Unattended

Right here is the reason I’m not planning on having any children. This video tells the story of a 4-year-old boy...
Dave Parrack
42 sec read

Fast Easy How To Video | Peel Hard Boiled Egg in Ten Seconds

Well I’ll be. I didn’t know you could do it like that.
22 sec read

Pregnancy Health Risk News Video | Preeclampsia – Danger to Mother and Baby

Being such a large player in influences on pregnancies and causes for early births, doctors have yet to find a definitive...
24 sec read

Awkward Salli Seat Commercial | Innovative Chair Relieves Pressure on the Genitals!

I must admit, I don’t think an awful lot about my chairs. So long as they’re relatively comfy, I don’t care....
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Comfort Wipe Commercial Video | A Brand New Way To Wipe Your Ass… If You Need One

I don’t know about you but I find wiping my ass one of the simplest things I have to do on...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Republican Calls Michelle Obama A Gorilla Video | GOP Activist Comment Clearly Racist

The David Letterman and Sarah Palin row has brought into question not only the rights and wrongs of telling jokes directed...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Hilarious Chinese Rap Stars Video | Documentary On ‘The Notorious MSG’

The Notorious MSG have been around for years in the local NYC music scene. To make a long story short, they’re...
Iman Peera
32 sec read

Michael Moore Funny Documentary Film Trailer | Banks and Wall Street Beware

Wow, he really had me going there.
27 sec read

Shallow Ground 2004 Horror Film Trailer Video | Dead Take Revenge on the Living

What happens when those who were killed by other people come back to take revenge on those who murdered them?
24 sec read

Ferrets In a Box Video | Rodents Pile In, Clown Car Style

What’s better than just one ferret? A whole box of them!
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Hugh Laurie Interviewing Michael Jackson Video | It’s Actually Stephen Fry… Duh!

Watching this takes me back. Who would have thought that Hugh Laurie would have gone on to be a huge star...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Scott Kalitta Crash Video | One Year On…

A year ago, tragedy struck the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) world when drag racing star Scott Kalitta was killed in...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Meatloaf “Anything for Love” Literal Music Video

We’ve been embracing the literal music video trend here on Web TV Hub, checking out reinterpretations of classics from A-Ha, Bonnie...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Russia’s Got Talent Video | Or Maybe Not…

OK, so maybe I was fooled for a minute but I’m not gullible enough to have got to the end of...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Matt Lauer Interviews Sarah Palin On ‘Today Show’ Video | Talk Turns To Letterman

You will no doubt have already heard about Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska, having a run-in with David Letterman, late-night...
Dave Parrack
38 sec read

Nightline Interviews Seth Macfarlane Video | Family Guy Creator On Censorship & Haters

What do parents, Jesus, and Christina Aguilera all have in common? They all hate Family Guy and Seth Macraflane’s guts.
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Clever Sprint Palm Pre webOS Advertisement Video | What’s Happening Now

Do want to know what’s going on now? Right now? Well, you could venture outside and talk to the hip young...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Amazing Giant Crop Circle Video | Jellyfish Crop Circle Discovered In Oxfordshire

Crop circles have fascinated me for years. No one knows how or why they are made but they continue to appear...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Chastity Bono Having Sex Change Video | When He Was A Female In Ceremony

Chastity Bono, soon to be known as Chaz Bono, is the daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono. But she’s soon to...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Kanye West Unreleased Music Video | “Two Words” Features Mos Def

Days ago when Kanye West finally released his 4-year old video for “Spaceship” off his College Dropout album, I was hoping...
Iman Peera
32 sec read

Funny Pixar Animated Short Film Video | Stork Baby Delivery is a Hard Job

Who knew that the baby delivery service could be such a hazardous job?
22 sec read

72 Year Old Great-Grandmother Tasered News Video | Texas Police Officer at Fault?

While you might think that a police officer tasering a 72 year old great-grandmother is never excusable, but was this Texas...
24 sec read

Incredible Cheese Sculpture of Statue of Liberty Video

Here at WebTVHub we know true artists express their creativity in a variety of ways. Forget about pencils and paints: we’ve...
Lauren Katulka
20 sec read

Robots With Guns Montage Video | Terminator Salvation Is Really A Documentary

I went to see Terminator Salvation last night, the latest in the long-running Terminator movie series. It was good, Christian Bale...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

David Letterman Vs. Sarah Palin Video | Keith Olbermann Discusses The Poor Taste Jokes

David Letterman got himself in a little bit of trouble this week by making a few jokes at the expense of...
Dave Parrack
46 sec read

Federer “Attacked” At French Open Video | Jimmy Jump Strikes Again

Jame Marquet Cot, also known by his fans as Jimmy Jump, is famous for being a sports field invader. The the...
Iman Peera
27 sec read