Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
A place where preschool is about learning to make friends, having fun and making learning fun instead of forced? What craziness...
“Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Flower Drum Song,” the 1961 movie musical based on the Broadway production of the same name, is among...
Everyone knows that when it comes to the bedroom, if it’s not on, it’s not on. But raising the subject of...
It looks as though, finally, Israel’s incursion into the Gaza Strip is over. A ceasefire has been called and seems to...
Because of the quality this video, it’s hard to tell exactly who and what team is catching the ball (I’m pretty...
The Resistance series of video games from Sony have so far appeared on the PS3, but a new one is soon...
If you had a chance to catch SNL last night, no doubt the most memorable performance wasn’t by the cast, but...
It’s been done before, but finally some real rappers show their support for Obama. Not the biggest fan of Young Jeezy,...
After hitting a flock of birds, a U.S. Airways plane with 155 crew and passengers was forced to land. The water...
Poor Bubbles the baby bunny. Her mother died when this little tacker was just a week old. Thankfully Snaggle Puss the...
With a nod to inaugurations of the past, President Elect Barack Obama is riding the ‘Inauguration Express’ train to Washington D.C....
Bullying isn’t funny, seriously. It’s a horrible thing to happen to anyone, be they kids, young people, or even adults in...
How cold is it right now? Not very, actually, but that’s because I’m in the UK and the temperature flits between...
It is about time we see an informative video that is not only useful (then, now and probably in the future)...
After failing to find a buyer to keep its stores going, bankrupt Circuit City will now be shutting down all of...
It seems like just about everyone has seen Star Wars. Well, everyone except for Amanda. She’s seen bits and pieces, and...
In case you hadn’t noticed, the Nintendo Wii is making an absolute killing in this generation home video game consoles. It’s...
Earlier this week, American politicians were given a new home on YouTube, with both the House of Representatives and Senate being...
Huh. It reminds me a little more of a Dr. Seuss creation, but ‘alien’ pretty much covers it too. So… I...
This basketball player from Clay-Chalkville High School is possibly the luckiest kid in all of Alabama. At the sound of the...
According to, “A US Airways flight…went down in the Hudson River this afternoon with 155 passengers and crew on board,...
Robert Schimmel is an American stand up comedian who is famous for a few reasons. Firstly, his act is pretty X-rated,...
What is the fascination with the Super Mario Bros. theme? I know it’s a great tune and all but do we...
Besides the possible iPhone killer, this wireless transfer device was also introduced at CES 2009. When the Powermat is made available...
Obviously in New York, they take the ‘no shirt, no shoes, no service’ seriously but consider the pants optional.
On June 17, 2008, we lost Cyd Charisse after she was admitted to the hospital after having a heart attack. Now...
America promises to be a nation reborn when president elect Barack Obama is inaugurated on January 20. But for now, it’s...
Do you remember the craze a few years ago for those singing fish with motion detectors in the? If not then...
Also See: More Beautiful Women American Idol 2009 kicked off last night in spectacular fashion. We have a new judge, Kara...
We’ve seen some outrageous guests on the Maury Povich Show, but this woman takes the cake. Just when you think she...