Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Microsoft has a very mixed history of releasing Windows Operating Systems. Sometimes, they are brilliant (XP) and sometimes they suck big...
+1 for the Mr. Smith voice over. -1 for the unsteady yearly progression time lapse.
Not too long ago a video surfaced where some people thought they found hidden WALL-Es in older Pixar movies. Now an...
According to Nintendo, Wii Sports has knocked off Super Mario Bros as the highest selling game in the world. And for...
The Japanese never cease to amaze me with their bizarre television programs. Here we have a show which believes that all...
“President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday named Nancy Killefer as his administration’s chief performance officer, creating a new White House position as...
Country music is without a doubt my least favorite genre of popular music, although Jazz runs it a close second. And...
I can’t stand Ann Coulter. She’s one of these people that thinks her opinion counts for more than anyone else’s. It...
By now, you’ve probably already heard about the woman who can crush watermelons with her giant breasts. Although unlike most of...
Watch it while you can, folks. This funny, dead-on, to the point video has been causing quite the stir (scroll down...
Well, at least Dr. Sanjay Gupta can go up against Michael Moore with decent patience and civility. Whether that will carry...
Have you ever wondered what Star Wars would have been like if George Lucas had made it as a musical? No,...
What a difference eight years makes. George W. Bush leaves office this month a gibbering idiot, who will be remembered for...
There has been intense speculation for the past year or so about whether Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple, is...
“Holy shit!” is right. The world “lucky” just doesn’t cut it.
No, I’m not an atheist, but I think this is still quite funny. I highly recommend you watch this video (it’s...
Apparently not the weight loss solution for atheists…
Meet Tarra the African elephant and Bella the dog. These animals are from entirely different worlds, but at the Elephant Sanctuary...
Recent research from Swedish, Norwegian, and now American scientists all seem to be advocating against a new smoking hazard called “third-hand...
There’s now just two weeks until Barack Obama takes over from George W. Bush as the President of the U.S.A. And...
Today sees the start of the Macworld Expo, a trade show dedicated to all things Apple, as if you hadn’t guessed...
At first, it’s easy to question the validity of this story. After all, aren’t sodas made with tons of sugar that...
“hen you’re Rey Maualuga, you don’t need to ask for a dance — you just boogie.” – Los Angeles Times
There are two types of people who will see Vicky Cristina Barcelona. There are those who think Woody Allen is a...
Any fans of Doctor Who will know that David Tennant, possibly the greatest Doctor ever, announced he would be leaving the...
Maksim Chmerkovskiy & Karina Smirnoff are two of the professional dancers on Dancing With The Stars, as well as being people...
“100,000 tons of rock and rubble had to be quarried and transported to build this dam.” Wow. Just wow. That’s their...
Don’t get me wrong, I hate clowns and I haven’t touched a McDonalds burger in years, but this new version of...
In this video a Russian man attempts to demonstrate how tough he is by smashing a bottle over his head. Instead...
I know some men have large penises, I am unfortunately not one of them. But do any men have penises shaped...