Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Perhaps one of the most outspoken beatnik poets was William S. Burroughs. Most of his influential work covered, drugs, homosexuality, death,...
The man in this video is Reverend Billy from the Church of Stop Shopping. As you might guess, he doesn’t approve...
Fridays are hard. The weekend is so close, but still so far. But some adorable marmosets and some swinging soul music...
The International Space Station is currently in orbit around Earth, with three astronauts living there at any one time, along with...
Today is Black Friday, at least in America. The day after Thanksgiving when retailers expect you to do your duty and...
As an Australian, I must admit most of this Thanksgiving stuff passes me by. But here’s a video that I can...
I was, and still am, a huge fan of Friends, one of the best sitcoms ever made, and probably the funniest...
Thanksgiving is upon us, are you prepared? If you’re one of those holiday slackers freaking out because you haven’t yet made...
Despite poor reviews from The New York Times and Rolling Stone, Twilight is currently the number one movie in the United...
I think the difficulty with this video is that it appears he is making the statement that you can’t tell when...
If you’re still confused on how to baste (or “butter-bake”) your Thanksgiving turkey, this classic commercial will show you how to...
“ATS chief Hemant Karkare, two senior police officers and 80 others were killed when terrorists struck with impunity in Mumbai on...
We all like to think that American politicians are the country’s best and the brightest. But then a test comes along...
Bruce Lee was one of the finest martial artists ever to come out of Hong Kong, and by far the best...
Apparently good speech writers are so rare that political people around the world are now just using the same speeches… When...
Here’s the latest short from Pixar released last week as an extra on the WALL-E DVD. This 8 minute short takes...
In this fantastic video Top Gear’s Richard Hammond heads to Toyota City, Japan to test the future of personal motoring: the...
American Thanksgiving Day is all about tradition, and one of the most famous, after eating turkey, praying, and giving thanks (obviously)...
Here is a video of the Adam Sandler Thanksgiving Song in all its glory, if you can call it that. If...
I love Dr. Zoidburg, but Billy West voicing Zap Brannigan is right up there in the hilarity scales, too. What’s even...
The achievement may seem small compared to TV shows, but in terms of online shows the PopCrunch Show has reason to...
Comedians have made fun of presidents for almost as long as there have been presidents. But it’s a little different this...
I’m a huge fan of the Guitar Hero games, owning them all (apart from the Aerosmith cash-in) and playing them all...
“…at a press conference in Chicago, Obama took the stage with… his core economic team, including Melody Barnes as Director of...
Black Friday is almost upon us, and many families will be preparing to head out to grab some bargains after Thanksgiving...
And then you insult me by serving me this? THIS? Bwahaha. You have to love (and be slightly afraid of) a...
As you might have heard, Guns N’ Roses are back! No doubt, many GNR fans have waited for this day for...
Wes Carr has won the sixth season of Australian Idol, snatching the title from lovable sheep shearer Luke Dickens. Thankfully for...
There is a restaurant in Arizona that is totally bypassing (excuse the pun) the whole campaign for healthier eating, and is...
Guns n’ Roses were huge at one time, with Axl Rose, Slash and the rest of the band being the biggest...