Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Dixville Notch in New Hampshire is traditionally the first town in the U.S. to open its polling and declare a result,...
Ah, but you know she wasn’t so nice about the whole thing when she first saw it on CNN…
A free coffee for a vote. Sounds good to me.
While Obama’s 30 minute infomercial only provided an insight into the lives of four struggling American families, “The Great American Detour”...
There’s a strong possibility that Barack Obama will be the next President Of The United States Of America. If the polls...
One thing the Republican campaign duo of John McCain and Sarah Palin has done well in the race for the White...
Recently our favorite celebrities employed a little reverse psychology and told us “Don’t Vote.” If that viral campaign worked, you made...
I don’t like Palin either but…damn.
Lewis Hamilton secured fifth place in the Brazilian grand prix to secure the 2008 Formula 1 World Championship. Here are the...
The race for the White House is drawing to a close so what better time than now to prank call Republican...
Over the weeks I’ve made no secret of my admiration for Australian Idol contestant Wes Carr. He’s been Mr Consistency, delivering...
This would-be bag snatcher picked on the wrong woman to mess with! This slender Asian lass looks like a lightweight, but...
There’s just days left until America decides who it wants as leader for the next four years. Will it be Barack...
The next season of Lost, season 5, won’t be broadcast until 2009 but the first promotional video has already aired and...
The Joker may be the most popular costume this Halloween, but I doubt any could top this transforming costume. One minute...
In the spirit of Halloween and the election nipping at it’s heels, this JibJab video takes the best of both worlds...
You can now go to the Obama tax cut online site to calculate how much in tax cuts (about) you will...
I needed some comic relief from the election news… John McCain needed some gastro-intestinal relief… It’s all good.
Embedded video from CNN Video With all the fuss there’s been about Obama lately, it’s almost easy to forget about McCain’s...
We’ve all heard of Barack Obama’s catchphrase “Yes We Can,” but what about “Yes We Carve”? It’s the pumpkin carving craze...
Yesterday was certainly a great day for Obama voters. Not only did Obama’s half-hour infomercial American Stories, American Solutions air, but...
In all the years the the Chicago Tribune has been in business, it has never endorsed a democrat. And that is...
Barack Obama is currently leading the polls in the race for the White House. But with the 2008 Presidential election almost...
With the 2008 U.S. Presidential election drawing near, it’s easy to forget that November 4th also signals the last day in...
For this election, I don’t think it’s so much the election and political leaders as it is the state of the...
In my marriage, that would be grounds for divorce if he didn’t get it fixed. Fast.
President Bush is already notorious for his many speech mishaps, Freudian slips, or Bushisms as some call them. Though, now it...
You’ve probably heard about these kind of pranks happening all the time. One day, there’s an election sign (in this case...
Wacky Japanese? Check. Inappropriate? Check. Hilarious? Check. All you aspiring hookers be sure to grab your memo pad!
Is it just me or does it feel like the build-up to the 2008 Presidential election has been going on for...