Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
I have yet to have the pleasure of visiting The Great Barrier Reef, but I am excited that I am now...
John MCain’s appointment of Sarah Palin as running mate might just go down in history as one of the dumbest political...
“She needs to stop being so ‘managed’ in the campaign.” – Is that really what you want to be said about...
The main reason I wanted to share this video was so that we could all relish in the fact that the...
September 25th marked China’s first spacewalk, as taikonaut Zhai Zhigang ventured outside of the Shenzhou VII spacecraft and made history. This...
When a game like Grand Theft Auto makes so many headlines, it’s easy to forget about all those other games with...
We’ve all seen those montage videos celebrating the best football goals. They’re the clips that regularly make highlights packages for their...
There is currently a huge financial crisis hitting every country in the world, and it’s been coming for a couple of...
And to think, it all began in one humble calculus class. Who needs calculus anyway?
There is nothing quite like presidential election season to get the writers at Saturday Night Live really into the swing of...
This week the Australian Idols were singing some of the nation’s greatest hits. Funnily enough, it was the girl the competition...
Here’s one video that pushes the limits of censorship on internet porn and censors itself at the same time. It opens...
Acting legend Paul Newman sadly died from cancer at the age of 83 on September 26th, 2008. This video is a...
Hm. Looks a bit melodramatic to me, but it could be good.
Most kids only dream of getting a tree house when they’re young. But the ones from this Wisconsin family are even...
Recently we heard Matt Damon comment that Sarah Palin’s appointment as Republican running mate was “like a really bad Disney movie....
The war of words between John McCain and Barack Obama is hotting up, and most people agree that Obama won the...
That just goes to show you really shouldn’t mess with a koala. We keep them high on eucalyptus because they’re nasty...
We’ve seen stars like Matt Damon and Paris Hilton weigh in on the race to the Whitehouse. But what are these...
I feel like a little kid on the playground watching a couple of kids go at it and the crowd letting...
John McCain, the Republican candidate in the forthcoming race to the White House, has suspended his campaign due to the economic...
Watch out Harry Potter, that is one scary wizard.
The cute little boys in this Vodafone ad show just what you can get away with when youth is on your...
When I travel, I usually bring my MP3 player along with me to kill time. It works both for long plane...
This economic depression has been a long time coming, but it’s now finally here and it’s probably going to be deeper...
Dog owners beware: Your dogs might be smarter than even you can imagine…
This, my friends, is what we call an epic fail. Kansas college basketball player Julian Wright is in the clear, and...
For being the oldest celebrity on the show, like, ever, she sure is the spunkiest and brings a lot of energy...
Wow, that is one big cock, or at least it would be if it were real. This spoof video looks at...
There’s been a lot of celebrity gossip spread around in the past week. So much that the PopCrunch show is about...