Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!

Awesome Videos to Watch Now

Schoolboy Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama T-Shirt News Video | A Violation of Free Speech, or Just Innapropriate?

Ordinarily I wouldn’t give conservative rednecks the time of day. But when their spawn is suspended from school for wearing a...
Lauren Katulka
34 sec read

Gordon Brown Labour Party Conference Speech Video | Still As Useless As Ever

This video shows some of the speech given by Gordon Brown to the Labour party conference in Manchester. The full speech...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Funniest Moments From 2008 Emmy Awards

Well, if you missed the Emmy’s this year, you are not alone! Not only was it the lowest ranking for viewers...
Julie Popp
29 sec read

Horrible Maury Show Clip | Three Year Old Destiny Weighs 84 Pounds

This should be considered child abuse.
22 sec read

I’m a PC Advertisement Video | PC Takes Revenge on Mac Commercials

For far too long PCs have been the nerdy cousins of the younger and hipper Macs. Enough already! In this new...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Funny Old Travis Barker Video | Freelance Drumming Makes Life More Fun

As you may already know, Travis Barker suffered severe injuries from a recent plane crash that killed four other people on...
Iman Peera
23 sec read

Girl Auctions Off Virginity | Anything And Everything Is For Sale These Days

I guess I’ve seen and heard of stranger things, but it is questionable when a young woman claims to be a...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Blink 182 – ‘Online Songs’ Kinetic Typography Music Video | Travis Barker Plane Crash

Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker has survived a plane crash which killed 4 people, and also injured his friend DJ AM....
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

100 Things to Do Before You Die Video | The Buried Life Travels

Many of us have seen ‘The Bucket List’ with Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, and Sean Hayes. But it’s one thing to...
25 sec read

Chrislyn Hamilton Top 11 “Australian Idol” Video | Brave Teen Sings “True Colors” for Cyndi Lauper!

When 80s weeks rolled around on Australian Idol, 17-year-old schoolkid Chrislyn Hamilton’s song choice was easy. “True Colors” has always been...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

The Incredible Fart Man Video | Mr. Methane Will Blow You Away

Paul Oldfield has been a professional flatulist since 1991. If you’ve never heard of that term it’s because Mr. Methane here...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Sarah Palin Is A Big Fat Liar (Video Evidence) | NBC Republican Fact Check Shows Truth

In the short time since Sarah Palin was announced as running mate for Republican Presidential election candidate John McCain, she has...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

The Ultimate Anti-Bling Bling Rapper Video | Emmanuel Jal Used To Be A Child Solider

Emmanuel Jal doesn’t fit your typical rapper stereotype. To begin with, he was actually raised to be a child solider in...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

Girls Gone Wild Parody Video | For Something a Little Darker, Try Goth Girls!

We’ve all heard of those Girls Gone Wild DVDs catching pretty young things misbehaving on spring break. But what if perky...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Black and White Animation Video | A Nun Fights The Dark Side & Comes Off Worst

This video proves that animation doesn’t have to be spectacularly rendered or beautifully drawn. So long as there’s a storyline there,...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

First Dude Todd Palin Talks to Fox News Video

We recently introduced you to Sarah Palin’s husband and future first dude, Todd Palin. But that was real journalism. In the...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Amazing Gun Slinger Video | “Bad Bob” Fastest Man With A Gun Who Ever Lived

Since he came out slinging in 1960, “Bad” Bob Munden has amazed audiences with his lightning-fast shooting skills. Here you’ll see...
Iman Peera
23 sec read

Classic Streets Of Rage Genesis Commercial (Video) | When Bullying Was Acceptable

I’m a huge gamer and have owned a games machine of some kind or other since the Atari 800XL in 1983…...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Hilarious Fat Man Stuck In Lamborghini Video | Fatass Trapped In A Car For 2 Minutes

For some reason, videos of million dollar cars don’t interest me. Unless, of course, they include fatasses stuck in them. If...
Iman Peera
32 sec read

Adorable Hungry Baby Video | Why Moms Shouldn’t do Yoga

When I started to watch this video, I was simply impressed by this yoga-loving mom’s skills. I expected to see the...
Lauren Katulka
27 sec read

Crazy Dog Makes Daring Kennel Escape | Brave Or Dumb?

Dogs can be very clever and cunning, especially when it comes to escapes from yards or kennels. Many dog owners scratch...
Julie Popp
33 sec read

Illegally Downloading Music Harms Lars Ulrich, Britney Spears – According To South Park

People download copyrighted music from the Internet all the time, and it’s an issue that is not only bothering record companies,...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Cool Music and Lights Vid | Piano Playing Light Creature Creation

Yeah, I’m jealous all over the place about this one. A combination of music, art, and video editing skill, this short...
22 sec read

Outrageous $20,000 Cell Phone Bill Video | Another Reason To Hate AT&T

It’s shocking to find out that your cell phone bill exceeds the $100 limit, but what about the $19,000 mark? Those...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Funny College Campus Video | Battle of the Bible Thumpers

Okay, staged or not, this video is still good to watch for laughs.
23 sec read

Clever Spelling Video | The English Language is Dumb, Or Should That Be Dum?

Dr. Edward Rondthaler has learned a lot in his 103 years. He’s a noted typographist and the chairman of the American...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Zero Punctuation Video Reviews ‘Spore’ | Yahtzee Croshaw Says Noooooooooooooo!

Spore was meant to be a new masterpiece from The creator of The Sims and Sim City, Will Wright, and his...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Movie Clip Vid | I Am Legend Alternative (Better) Ending

This is the first time I will have ever read a book because the movie based off it was so crappy...
25 sec read

PopCrunch Bags on Palin’s Retarded Kid (Vid) | The Jonas Brothers Can’t Take A Joke

If you’ve had a bad day, then look no further. This latest edition of the PopCrunch show is sure to brighten...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

R.I.P Pink Floyd Keyboardist Richard Wright Video | “Wish You Were Here” Never Seemed So Appropriate

I think you realize you’re getting older when the people you idolize begin to pass away. We lost another of my...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read