Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Imagine this… you are driving up the road and you come around the corner to find a strange, unidentifiable object wedged...
American companies would have you believe that HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup) isn’t harmful to your body. Take the above outrageous commercial...
Yet another awesome talk and demonstration from the TED Talks.
I’ve watched plenty of cat videos in my time, but I’m pretty sure this is my favorite. It takes all the...
From Karl Rove to Bill O’Reilly to Nancy Pfotenhauer, hypocrisy seems to run deep in today’s politics; especially when it comes...
The year has rolled around again to September 11th, a time when America mourns what happened in New York on 9/11/2001....
I don’t think I will tell anyone to ‘stick a fork in it’ ever again…
When artist Toby Jones lost his mother to breast cancer in 2001 his life changed forever. In memory of his mom...
I love YouTube’s new policy of allowing videos longer than 10 minutes, as it means we get to watch important events...
I myself have campaigned for the prevention of global warming, but I’d never, in my wildest dreams, have thought that such...
We’ve all seen videos starring show-off pooches and know-it-all parrots. But what about the real stars of the animal kingdom? What...
Last night saw the final of Big Brother 9, with the remaining five house mates informed which order they finished in,...
Holy sh!t. B00bies! No, no I really couldn’t resist.
Contrary to what the title of this episode would have you think, there really isn’t any midget porn in this edition...
Here at Web TV Hub, we’re big fans of slow motion. I’ve seen some beautiful slow-mo videos, some educational ones, but...
So, who is the man behind the lady making the headlines these days? As stay-at-home dads become more and more common...
Designer cats? Yeah, that makes my hope for the human race dwindle a bit… NOTE: Audio and video not synched up...
It was announced earlier this month that Microsoft was preparing a $300 million advertising campaign to counter the very successful Mac...
I hate to admit it, but there are plenty of guys I know who could do well to watch this video…
Lily Allen is as famous for her social indiscretions as she is her music. If she’s not topping the charts, she’s...
This Toronto Arognaut showoff, Arland Bruce, enacts a strange touchdown celebration that cost his team a penalty and made a lot...
Sarah Palin is the vice presidential candidate under White House hopeful John McCain. She spoke at the Republican National Convention on...
As many well-informed Americans already know, major media, for the most part, has been very careful about choosing words to describe...
Master of the Unusual, indeed. Michel Lauzeire plays the Toreador song from the musical Carmen, but it’s not the usual playing...
Here’s your daily dose of cute. On paper a young boy lip-synching to Foreigner doesn’t sound too exciting, but this little...
Here’s another kid to add to the list of talented tikes. Grayton is only 2 years old, yet he’s already swings...
It emerged this week that Google has developing been developing a new browser for the last two years. Named Chrome, it...
All through this season of Canadian Idol I’ve said what a close race it is. But with the elimination of Earl...
I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been into fighting stuff lately, and this underground fight video definitely caught my...
Disaster Movie is the latest movie in the franchise that has brought us Epic Movie and Meet The Spartans. But they’re...