Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Most mutant animals are truly disturbing to look at. This little kitty, however, is possibly the cutest cat I’ve ever seen....
The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games has now kicked off, with the spectacular opening ceremony setting the stage for two weeks of...
This video may be silent, but it is very stunning. Nature ultimately has the best special effects.
Tourettes Syndrome is a serious condition that affects many people of all different races, religions and creeds. But it’s also pure...
Ski-Gliding (also known as Speedflying or Ski-Flying) combines the sports of skiing and paragliding into one insane activity. WARNING: Do not...
MMA or Mixed Martial Arts is a contact sport that allows a variety of different martial arts and fighting techniques. The...
If this doesn’t make a great ‘Thank God It’s Friday’ video, then I don’t know what does.
Whenever a new Obama song comes out, chances are the only place it gets played is the internet. When YouTube rapper...
A special hat tip to the Unofficial 2008 Beijing Olympics Blog for pointing this excellent animated video out.
Environmental or green issues are now more important than ever, with more need to educate future generations as to the harm...
The People’s Court isn’t just an online video debate site. It’s also a Judge Judy-like TV show where the occasional ‘cops...
Because when you can’t have the real thing, playing pretend is almost just as good.
I once stayed in a hotel where they had an ant infestation under the bed. This video brings back some digusting...
Because even the ‘dumbest’ celebrities are smarter than our politicians. I believe that’s game, set, match Mr. McCain.
There’s been an argument brewing over how much influence movies, television, music, and video games can have over people in the...
Some people get really bored at the office. Take this person for example, who has enough time on his or her...
Most world records that appear in the Guinness Book Of World Records are pointless these days. And this really is one...
Where was this video when I was going to university? I would have loved to have screwed with my roommate’s head.
There have been some classic moments in video game history: the horror of the first Resident Evil game, playing in 3D...
The Neistat Brothers have lost countless bikes to thieves in New York City, so they started thinking to themselves: Exactly how...
Lyrebirds in Australia can mimic any sound they hear. Nobody knows why they have this talent, but they are incredibly good...
Here we have a very unique Japanese commercial that won an award at the Cannes Film Festival. No, it doesn’t contain...
Let me say straight away that I don’t hate cops. They are after all just people doing their job, and a...
While most people who play blackjack at a casino bet chips, this man instead placed a bag of weed on the...
Like me you’ve probably heard and seen lots being said about the new high-definition DVD formats. There was HD DVD but...
And now for a bit of silliness and nostalgia for your Wednesday night/Thursday afternoon.
I’ll admit it. I was one of those millions of nerds that grew up reading the Harry Potter books. While I...
I’ve never really liked mascots, unless of course, they’re throwing punches at each other. Usually, they do some unfunny routine to...
Echoing the sentiments of the woman in the video – I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.
Mackenzie Crook is a world famous actor best known for being the gimpy looking one in Pirates Of The Caribbean, and...