Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Improv Everywhere hits the streets again, or actually in this case, they hit the subway. This time there are 10 sets...
For the first 20 seconds or so of this video, I was completely underwhelmed, and wondering why these idiots thought footage...
All I want to know is ‘Are we really all that surprised?’
Those wacky Japanese are already known for their crazy game shows, and now this soon-to-be dubbed “wacky Japanese pitch.” Watch carefully...
Cats are surely nimble and quick animals, with fast reflexes, agility and keen eye sight; but I never knew a cat...
I think we can all agree, It’s a baby sitter’s job not to harm a child. But what this 16 year...
From the Australian improve comedy television show ‘Thank God You’re Here’, this is a clip featuring one of the best return...
It’s always been a sort of mystery why certain things, like yawns, are somehow contagious. When I see a yawn, I...
July 7th, or 7/7, has been dubbed Bungie Day. Okay, it was dubbed that by the folks at Bungie, and its...
In case you hadn’t heard yet, Viacom is suing Google for the private information of YouTube users. This video is an...
If you haven’t heard by now, it’s now officially illegal to drive with a cellphone in your hand in the state...
Juggler David Stephens demonstrates why snow juggling is ‘a bad idea’. I reckon he has just started a new winter sport.
First watch and enjoy. Then become sick to your stomach…
Today is the fourth of July… just a date in every country around the world, apart from in the USA where...
I’m hot and cold when it comes to these new hip hop choreographers, Napoleon and Tabitha D’umo, but this number is...
Is it just me, or are boobs this big just totally gross!? I mean, they are even lopsided and everything! How’s...
Alfonso Ribeiro, better known as Carlton Banks from The Fresh Prince, certainly has earned immortality in TV history for his famous...
THIS sort of thing is exactly why I would never attempt to do a swingset 360. Never. That had to be...
Super Mario World glitches. Mmm. Tasty.
I often have to travel on buses when I’m going on long journey due to being a non-driver and not being...
Some pro-gun enthusiasts will put themselves in grave danger just to exercise their right to bear arms. Sure, there’s nothing wrong...
In the good old days, people used escalators to seamlessly move up and down from floor to floor in buildings. Silly...
The act of relieving oneself is usually a very private matter. But don’t tell that to Nick Thune. In this video...
Come on everybody! Let’s all move to France! Or Canada. Or Cuba…
Ian Usher announced last March that he was essentially selling his life on ebay, which included everything from friends to a...
As people get older they tend to get harder to buy for. You tend to have everything you need by a...
Now this, my friends, is some fantastic editing. Bravo.
The recent passing of George Carlin certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed. Tribute videos and bits of his old stand-up acts are popping...
I’m a huge fan of the James Bond films, and the new breed of all-action, gritty and realistic Daniel Craig movies...
Because life is tough all over the place.