Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
I can’t help but think of old Alfred Hitchcock’s creepy horror flick, Birds, when I watch this video. I half expect...
Disney/Pixar’s latest film WALL-E has certainly been making some waves lately. But have you ever seen Pixar’s very first 3D animated...
WALL-E is a new animated feature film from Disney that shows a robot from the future whose sole mission is to...
Only in America. Because a bunch of people walking around with their flashlight turned machine guns is exactly what America needs....
DELETED: THE GAME is a web series/game unlike any interactive online series you’ve encountered. The show stars Tyler Mills (played by...
Some of the commercials on American TV are just to funny to believe. First we had Poop Freeze and now we...
As a former drummer myself, I can safely say that this is the best snare drum solo I have ever seen....
Now that is one big mid-life crisis.
I’ve definitely seen my fair share of stunts and pissed off lead singers from concerts; in fact, Axl Rose threatened to...
I love the new wave of Marvel Comics superhero movies. The X-Men trilogy and the Spider-Man films (three so far and...
Dogs have been used in the army since 1942, but I doubt any incident like this has occurred before. When ordered...
Metal gear Solid 4 was released exclusively on the Playstation 3 on June 12th, and since then the game has received...
I can’t say that I’m a big fan of Shaq’s rapping, but he is a pretty decent b-ball player. Not that...
Okay, if you are going to play with the name of one of my favourite books, you had darn well better...
I love cats. And George Carlin, rest in peace, is hilarious. Perfect combination.
Some people in our overstimulated world would not be impressed by a guy who throws together four different sounds of beatbox...
It’s not everyday that you see a girl showing off in baseball. But as you can tell by the announcer and...
If you are a die-hard ‘global warming is happening and is caused by us’ person, I urge you to watch the...
With the sad news today that a beloved and infamous comedian, George Carlin, passed away yesterday from heart failure, I felt...
When the Segway was first announced years ago, I seem to recall a whole load of hype being spouted about how...
As promised the PopCrunch Show has released it’s interview footage from the 2008 MTV Movie Awards. It may be overdue, but...
They often say there’s no such thing as a free lunch in this life, but maybe, just maybe, this video proves...
Former AT&T employee Mark Klein just made enemies with the NSA. While working for his company, he found out that all...
President Bush is pardoning himself and his administration of all war crimes (connected with the torture and mistreatment of detainees) dating...
We all know that there are stranger and stranger World Records being handed out every year; the most recent being that...
Although this commercial is insanely cheesy, the actual product is fairly useful. Instead of picking up wet poop, pet owners can...
Talk about a good way to freeze your balls off… all for what? A little trophy and some glory for a...
There were two standouts from this week’s competition, with the first being Nigel Lithgoe’s strange crumping moves and the second being...
YouTube sensations come and go like there’s no tomorrow, with a new one replacing the last quicker than I can say...