Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Some crashes are results of morons showing off. On the contrary, the 20 displayed in this video are all from “professional...
It can be tough being a man in today’s society. You’re encouraged to have close male friends, but you’re damned if...
This crazy wedding dance starts off with the typical ho hum sappy song and the newly married couple canoodling on stage...
This is probably the first time that Sarah from the PopCrunch Show has actually interviewed real people. You’d think that she’d...
If you are not already aware, there have been major storms and flooding causing chaos in the US Midwest.
I know I’m a sook, but this video had me wiping tears from my eyes. If you’re up for a little...
Some of this stuff is interesting. Some of it is just plain scary.
My favorite summer reality show is back and better than ever! I was surprised to see most of the first dances...
You’ve already heard about new car owners getting guns, now see footage of an eight year-old girl blasting a car with...
Wii Fit came out at the end of May for the massively popular Nintendo Wii, and it has sold in incredible...
Father’s Day is upon us once again, with this Sunday the one day of the year when you are meant to...
Australia’s Got Talent is serving up some weird and wonderful talent this season. And they don’t get much weirder, or more...
When Chevy decided to let anyone and everyone make their own Chevy Tahoe commercials, I bet they really didn’t expect something...
So, this guy decides to try a little experiment and push the buttons of his driver’s education instructors. Who knew it...
Here in Atlanta, we have a funny saying, “That girl just whipped her black out!” This video brings that saying to...
Should I say it? Yeah, someone has to. Only in America.
I’m not sure if this could really happen, as I don’t have eight cell phones laying around, but it doesn’t seem...
Everyone in America is panicking at the prospect of gas prices reaching $4 a gallon. Well everyone that is except for...
I think I feel a bit nauseated right now, to be honest.
We’ve all seen the Harlem Globetrotters spinning basketballs around on their fingers. It’s a pretty impressive trick right? Well this guy...
I actually saw this episode of the Price Is Right being a fan of the show (and attending a live taping...
One facet of the Web which has been irresistibly popular is the demonstration of various science experiments which anyone, of any...
I have always been fascinated by ancient landmarks that are still mysterious today. Stonehenge is definitely one of them.
You know the people who happily sing along to songs they think they know, oblivious to the fact that all the...
As an American, I agree that the problem with fast food these days is that it’s such a hassle to eat...
You have to love computer errors.
Being a soldier has got to be one of the hardest jobs in the world. It’s dangerous, with many never coming...
Animal shelters tend to be fairly bleak places. Sure the animals are cute, but you just know what will happen if...
From their perspective and in their own words, these two boys share their scary near-drowning experience from what was to be...
British comedian Dan Clark isn’t just a funny man, he’s a dating doctor too. In his own unique way, that is....