Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!

Awesome Videos to Watch Now

Folk Cover of “Baby Got Back” Music Video | Jonathan Coulton Reinterprets Sir Mix-A-Lot

New York singer-songwriter Jonathan Coulton probably couldn’t have covered a more unlikely song than Sir Mix-A-Lot’s Baby Got Back. Yet funnily...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

New Weezer’s Pork and Beans Music Video | Featuring All Your Favorite YouTube Stars

Weezer is back! And they have really out done themselves with their latest video for ‘Pork and Beans’ (their new single)....
Iman Peera
23 sec read

Kristi Yamaguchi Wins Dancing With The Stars | She Had It From Hello

After a 5 year dry streak for the ladies, Kristi Yamaguchi finally proves that the voters aren’t just a bunch of...
Julie Popp
31 sec read

Awesome Music Video | Beautiful Music on the Hammered Dulcimer:”The Rakes of Kildare”

I’m not wishing that I could do that, but it’s still pretty darn awesome.
22 sec read

John McCain Discusses Gay Marriage With Ellen Degeneres (Vid Clip) | Slightly Awkward?

As a Republican politician, John McCain has to toe the party line of being against gay marriage, despite the fact that...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Funny Voice Actor From Grand Theft Auto Video | Roman Is Broke and Needs Your Help

Jason Zumwal, better known as the voice of the character Roman from Grand Theft Auto 4, isn’t too happy about his...
Iman Peera
36 sec read

Strange News Video | Twins Seperated at Birth for Research

Nature versus nurture has long been an argument in many areas for a long time, but the fact that someone would...
22 sec read

Warped Comedy Love Song Video | Tim Minchin Performs “If You Really Loved Me”

Tim Minchin is one of Australia’s most talented musical comedians. He’s also perhaps the sickest. And what a brilliant combination it...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Twitter Explained In Plain English Video Tutorial | Micro-Blogging At Its Most Simple

Twitter is one of those new Web 2.0 applications that is used extensively by people within the industry but hasn’t really...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

David Cook Wins “American Idol” Video | First Performance of Winner’s Single “This Is the Time”

The votes are in and the winner of American Idol 7 is David Cook! This video shows you the nail-biting verdict...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

300 Pound Bodyguard vs Dead Rattle Snake Video | Is That The Rock Getting Punk’d?

The two pranksters who made this video want to pull a prank on their unsuspecting friend; who just happens to be...
Iman Peera
22 sec read

Funny Video Of People Being Shoved Into Train | Epitomizes The Word “Overstuffed”

How would you like for this to be your daily commute? After viewing this video, spending an extra 20 minutes in...
Julie Popp
31 sec read

The Office Compilation Video | Five Scenes of Michael Scott of The Office

“Don’t say cocks.” Yeah. Good advice.
22 sec read

Kangaroo Doing Some Bell Ringing Video | Marsupial Interrupts Australian Golf Game

Animals have got genitals too. Were you aware of that? It seems these two news anchors weren’t as they can’t seem...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Every Single Mortal Combat Fatality Video | Glory Compilation Kinda Gross & Kinda Cool

Supposedly, this 7 minute video includes all 231 fatalities from every single Mortal Kombat game. I couldn’t tell you if that...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

World’s Most Uncoordinated Child Tries To Jump In the Pool Video

This video’s short but sweet. It shows what may be the world’s most uncoordinated child attempting to jump in a swimming...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Supernova Explosion Simulation Video | If Our Sun Blew Up…

Space and time are quite intangible items, as we are barely able to check out our own solar system close and...
Julie Popp
32 sec read

MAC vs. PC Study Video | MAC Users Snobs and PC Users Cheapskates

As someone commented elsewhere, I think it all comes down to “Mac users have more money”.
23 sec read

Earthquake Lights Caught On Video | Strange Phenomena Precedes China Earthquake

The recent earthquake which hit the Sichuan province of China on the 12th May is thought to have killed at least...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Hilarious Comedy Song Video | An Ode to the Boobs Thumbnail Cheat

Video thumbnails are funny things. Take this one for example. When you look at it you imagine the whole video is...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Funny Comedy Central Video | Criminals Released to Save Money?

This has to be the most ridiculous ‘dealing with the budget crisis’ idea I have seen yet. We really need to...
22 sec read

Paint By Baseballs (Vid) | Instead Of Paint By Numbers

So after a minute I realized that he had tape on this “canvas” that he was throwing his painted-black baseballs at....
Julie Popp
27 sec read

John McCain Exposed As Liar Video | YouTube Shows Presidential Hopeful Backtracking

I’ve already spelt out my wish by the use of videos for Barack Obama to become the nest President of the...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Animals Kung Fu Fighting Video | Jackie Chan’s Kitty Cat vs. A Cobra

What happens when a cobra and a kitty cat battle it out? Normally, the snake would win, but this kitty happens...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

Adorable Beluga Whale Blows Bubble Kisses (Video)

This news story is just so shamelessly cute that I couldn’t resist sharing it with you. It shows this clever Beluga...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Movie Trailer Video | The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Did anyone else know that they were making The Mummy III? Because I had no clue.
22 sec read

Border Patrol Traffic Stop Gone Wrong | Better Comedians Than Clowns In A Car

This is almost better comedy than going to a circus and watching the overplayed scene of a hundred clowns getting out...
Julie Popp
24 sec read

Levi’s Jeans Extreme Stunts Video | Forget Skating, Try Backflipping Into Jeans

You might consider skateboarding an extreme sport, but these guys would beg to differ. For some reason, they’ve taken the liberty...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Awesome Technology Video | ASIMO Conducts Detroit Symphony Orchestra

A robot with such lifelike movements that you would think there is a little man inside there.
21 sec read

Amazing Animated Transformers Video | Robots Disguised as Cigarette Packs and More

This clever stop motion animation recreates the cult classic cartoon Transformers. But these robots aren’t disguised as cars. Instead they take...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read