Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!

Awesome Videos to Watch Now

Awesome Tornado Video | One Massive Tornado

Now that is one massively huge tornado.
23 sec read

Plane Emergency Landing on Highway (Vid) | Caught On Tape

Ok, we all know (or should know anyway) what to do if a police car or an ambulance comes screaming up...
Julie Popp
26 sec read

Teen “Steals” Xbox 360 Then Gets Cyber Bullied Video | “Wiseass” Thief on FOX News

When a 16 year old claimed to steal another man’s Xbox 360, the victim exposed the thief online and unknowingly started...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Jimmy Kimmel Covers Unnecessary Censorship (Vid) | Is It BLEEPIN’ Necessary?

The politicians will go to great lengths to protect the American people. Not through health care, not through affordable living, but...
Julie Popp
31 sec read

Men Are Better Than Women Video | Dick Masterson On Dr. Phil Insulting All Women

This video is one of the most shocking I’ve ever seen on YouTube, purely because I didn’t know there were men...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Cheesy 80s Electric Six Music Video | So Bad It’s Brilliant

I admit it. I’ve got a tragic love of all things from the 1980s. And the more terrible it is, the...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Disturbing Documentary Video | The World According to Monsanto

It seems like every day I get more and more reasons to hate big tycoon-ish businesses. The evils of Monsanto top...
25 sec read

Acting Legend Charlton Heston Dies | CNN’s Trubite to The Artist & Activist

If you’ve ever watched a movie, chances are you’ve heard of Charlton Heston. And if you’ve flipped on the TV today,...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Beijing Summer Olympics China 2008 Torch Relay Protests Video | Right Or Wrong?

Giving the Olympic Games to China was always going to prove a controversial decision. People against the decision have now started...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

A Comicbook Orange Video | Comic Book Legend Frank Miller

I am a woman who loves her comic books. Get over it.
22 sec read

11-Year-Old Tazered By Police | What’s the World Coming To?

For years tazers have been a popular police weapon for subduing violent crims. But recently overzealous cops have come under fire...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Amazing 6 Year Old Kid B-Boy Video | The World’s Youngest Breakdancer

Jalen here has been break dancing ever since he first saw the movie “You Got Served.” He’s only 6 years old...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

How To Make YouTube Videos Go Viral!

YouTube has millions of viewers daily. People like you and me who browse looking for the next funny clip that’s about...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Boxer Knocks Out Referees Video | Fighter Punches Not One, But Two, Officials!

Boxing’s a pretty simple sport really. You get in a ring, throw a few punches, and do your best to smash...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Amazing Man Gets Stabbed But Doesn’t Bleed Video | “This Is Not A Trick”

You’ve seen magicians like David Blaine perform some incredible tricks. In this video, a sword is thrust through a man’s body...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

Jimmy Kimmel Spends Day With Richard Simmons (Video) | 1000th Jimmy Kimmel Live

Jimmy Kimmel seems to be getting funnier and funnier, at least he does with the help of celebrity cameos in his...
Dave Parrack
19 sec read

Queen Rania Video | Queen Invites Questions to Bust Stereotypes

Well now I have to put up a YouTube video because everyone really is doing it. Even royalty.
22 sec read

Child Molester Raped By Bigfoot Video | You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me

Once in a while, a news story pops up that makes me doubt the sanity of the human race. Take this...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Breakdancing Koreans Video | This Is The Way All Battles Should Be Settled!

This cool short film, Planet B-Boy, shows a standoff between North Korean and South Korean soldiers. But don’t expect your stock...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Funny Trick With Subwoofers Video | Hair Raising Trick

Wow, I don’t know about you, but after watching this video, even my ears hurt a little. I can’t imagine actually...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Clever Use Of LED – In Crotch Of College Girl’s Outfit During Spring Break Bikini Contest

If seeing half naked college girls walking around in an attempt to impress a room full of guys at the Spring...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Animated Lecture Video | Alan Watts on Music and Life

If only we lived life like we played music…
22 sec read

Funny Revenge Video | April Fool’s Day Continues

Ok, I don’t know who would consider smacking someone on the back of a head with a frying pan an April...
Julie Popp
17 sec read

Hilarious Terminator Spoof | Saving the Saviour

“Stop shooting Judas!”
22 sec read

Stupid Guy Hits Girl Video | Big Mistake To Make In Front Of 100 Other Guys

I watched this video a couple of times to try to understand what was going on; maybe they were just playing...
Julie Popp
22 sec read

Another Stupid Cop Video | Police Try To Bust Teens Drinking Root Beer

As of late, it seems like every story on the news about teenagers is a negative one. But what about those...
Iman Peera
20 sec read

40,000 Bugs Demolishing A Lettuce In An Hour | High Speed Video Clip That Makes Me Itch

Ugh, this video is horrible and virtually unwatchable, but amazing at the same time. Beat the fear, and watch 40,000 bugs...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Hilarious Kids on HBA Ad Video | Cute Children Tell Gory Stories

This hilarious advertisement for Aussie health care provider HBA is one of my favorite things on TV at the moment. It...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Funny Superhero Movie Spoof | Tom Cruise Can Fly

Did you know Tom Cruise could fly? I didn’t know Tom Cruise could fly. This very funny spoof video from the...
21 sec read

PopCrunch Show Video Update | Celebrity Gossip Quiz April Fools Edition

If you haven’t had enough April Fools to fill your apetite, leave it to the PopCrunch Show to change that. This...
Iman Peera
27 sec read