Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Is YouTube freezing the view counts on videos protesting scientology to prevent the videos from appearing on the front page? I...
Unfortunately, there is no shortage of bad cop videos on YouTube. In this one, an officer harasses a young teen who...
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wondered how they made the many designs, colors and shapes of glass-blown things,...
Aren’t animals wonderful? While we humans tend to ignore the cries of others, this maternal moggy comes running when she hears...
I know a few daredevils, but none would probably ever jump into this “swimming pool”. There are no rails and even...
Cilit Bang is a cleaning product which was advertised (in the UK at least) by a series of adverts featuring the...
It’s that time again! This week’s PopCrunch Show give us some insight to the predictable future of boy bands. First they...
There have been great advances in video technology over the past few years, with TV pictures becoming more and more realistic....
By now everyone’s seen the celebrity Barack Obama lovefest commonly known as “Yes We Can.” Rebublican frontrunner John McCain would have...
We thought Nancy Grace was one whacked out lady when she went bazerk over the Paris Hilton Burger King commercial being...
This video should surely qualify the parents for a visit from child welfare, as what torment they put this kid through...
Have you ever wanted to draw Stewie from Family Guy? This video shows you that it might be easier than you...
Ok, I couldn’t quite see that old Ben Franklin, played by Jack Black, was the drunkard here, as the narrator seemed...
Just one more reason I love the fact I don’t have to deal with a mother in law. They tend to...
Until I saw this video, I thought moving vehicles would be the biggest obstacles for skaters. Not for Olivier, who has...
Here at WebTvHub, we’ve already seen some crazy women drivers. But what would happen if we took those women with the...
Be Kind Rewind is a new movie from director Michel Gondry, and starring Jack Black and Mos Def. As part of...
This is the most awesome video ever, or it would have been if it hadn’t banned and removed it due to...
Valentine’s day is upon us once again, and whether you think it’s a sweet and harmless celebration which should be honoured,...
MIMEFREAK Episode One on You’ve seen Criss Angel all over TV, but you haven’t seen anything like this: Mimefreak. It’s...
We’ve featured some really awesome drummer videos on Web TV Hub in the past. Here is another one for you. This...
I’ve got to admit, when I first started watching this video I was pretty underwhelmed. This robot was supposed to be...
I love this video for a variety of reasons: It shows an intelligent youngster with political views, it shows Barack Obama...
One advantage that Facebook has over MySpace (as of now) is the ability to add applications. But with that ability comes...
These guys and gals must have some sort of death wish, as I’ve been skiing and snowboarding for well over 25...
This video shows a skateboarder who’s very gutsy, very stupid, or maybe a little of both. You see, he hopes to...
The Isle of Man TT is an annual motorcycle racing event held for over a hundred years on the British island,...
It has been entirely too long since I have seen a short film that I liked as much as I like...
Some consider infomercials the bane of their existence, while others love them (usually for their comedic value). Here’s one that is...
Carnegie Mellon professor Randy Pausch has pancreatic cancer and doesn’t expect to live much longer. This is the video of his...