Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!

Awesome Videos to Watch Now

Survivor Premier of Fans and Favorites | Micronesia, Here We Come

I would definitely consider myself a fan of Survivor, but I have not watched every season and every episodes. Hell, I...
Julie Popp
27 sec read

Brooke Helvie “American Idol” Audition Video | Pageant Princess Through to Hollywood

This week’s American Idol video stars Brooke Helvie. This beauty queen from southern Florida may be the most annoying person to...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Valentine’s Day Love Video Special | 5 Romantic Cartoons To Warm Your Heart

Valentine’s Day is upon us, and everyone is thinking about love. Whether you believe the day’s a commercial waste of time,...
Lauren Katulka
1 min read

Funny ‘American Gladiators’ Auditions Video | And You Thought American Idol Was Bad

This is a supposedly-leaked audition tape from the new “American Gladiators” show. If you thought the auditions for American Idol were...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

New Batman Film: The Dark Knight Trailer In Lego Video | Starring The Late Heath Ledger

We’ve already taken a look at the real trailer for the new Batman film The Dark Knight here on WebTVHub, so...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Amazing La Parkour Soccer Tricks Video | Insane Street Football Skills Almost Too Good

Yeah, I know the Super Bowl just passed (I personally thought the Ads were more exciting), but a video like this...
Iman Peera
32 sec read

Gina Carano Vs. Julie Kedzie in Elite XC Fighting | The Women Have Entered the Cage

If I recall correctly, Gina Carano has fought 4-5 times for the Elite XC, and is still undefeated. The night after...
Julie Popp
31 sec read

Song For Britney Spears Video | Jon Lajoie Feels Popstar’s Pain

Like most of us, Jon Lajoie is worried about Britney Spears. But we tend to express our concern in different ways....
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Insane High Speed Jets Making Low Passes Video | Incredible Speeds From Aircraft

I’m not that big a fan of speed, being a non-driver, and never having flown. But maybe that’s the problem: I...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Smells Like Teen Spirit Cover Video | Nirvana Song With Ukuleles and Lounge Vocals

Nirvana is one of my favorite bands from my teen years, with their unique riffs and Kurt Cobain’s angst-ridden vocals. I’m...
Kristy Pruitt
22 sec read

Funny Copy of Chris Farley’s SNL Skit Video | Russian TV Steals Japanese Gameshow Parody

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this clip. The skit above is a carbon copy of a Saturday Night...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Let My Stain Do The Talking Commercial | You Talking To Me?

Aw man, talk about trying to make a good first impression, and failing horribly. This guy is getting interviewed for a...
Julie Popp
27 sec read

Hilarious Election Video | Learn About Voting with McLovin

OK, so I know it’s Super Tuesday and lots of Americans have voted for their presidential candidate. But as an Australian,...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Super Tuesday Opinion Poll Video | Porn Stars Give Views On The Presidential Candidates

Porn Star Politics on Today is Super Tuesday in the United States, the day when the candidates trying to secure...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Hillary Clinton and Wal-Mart | Let Digging Up the Past Begin

So Hillary Clinton was on the Wal-Mart board? I’m voting for Obama.
23 sec read

Miley Cyrus Hot Bikini Pictures | Sexy Hannah Montana Semi-Naked Swimsuit Photos

The always hot PopCrunch Show is back this week as usual with some tasteful jabs at your favorite celebrity screw-ups, nipple...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Terrible Horror Movie Trailer | I Drink Your Blood and I Eat Your Skin!

Have you ever watched a horror movie that was so horrible that it was funny? I haven’t actually seen the one...
Kristy Pruitt
26 sec read

The Clydesdale Named “Hank”‘s Commercial | Training For Superbowl Ads XLII

If you aren’t a fan of cute, or are allergic to it or something, this is not the commercial for you....
Julie Popp
18 sec read

Amazing Guitar Video | Los Indios Tabajaras Play “Flight of the Bumblebee”

Long before Hendrix, Clapton, and Santana wowed the world, there was Los Indios Tabajaras. Legend has it that these Brazilian brothers...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Hilarious Lost Parody Video | Who Really Runs the Island

And here I was thinking that they didn’t even make Lost action figures…
22 sec read

How Not To Lift A Car Video | Ermm Fellas, You Forgot To Apply The Handbrake!

When lifting a car up after it has unfortunately flipped on its side, there are a number of key points to...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

‘Skins’ Premières Online First | The Channel 4 Drama To Appear On MySpace Before E4

Skins is a young drama series that airs on Channel 4 and E4. The programme is about to begin its second...
Dave Parrack
51 sec read

Justin Timberlake’s Superbowl XLII Ad | Give Me 42 “Ouch”es!

Most of us watch the Superbowl for the football, but a good marjority of us are in it for the commercials...
Julie Popp
29 sec read

Game Show Bloopers Video | Hilariously Dumb Answers

Every since I was a kid, I’ve loved to watch bloopers from movies and television shows. But I have a particular...
Kristy Pruitt
29 sec read

Life In Prison For Stealing Doughnuts? Video | Stupid California Law 3-Strike Loophole

We already know how screwed up California laws are. For God’s sake they allow doctors to prescribe “medicinal marijuana”. But there...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Creepy Dutch Pianist Video | Mr P Just Wants to Fuck You

When I saw the snappily dressed Mr P walk out on to the stage I was expecting a little classical music,...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Pretty Ricky Late Night Special Video | Basically A Bunch Of Guys Humping A Couch

Oh man, this is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long, long time. As the title says, it’s...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Funny Animal Video | Your House Cat, the Lion

This television clip from Japan compares lions to housecats, Japanese woman chattering away in the background included. Personally, I don’t think...
22 sec read

Star Trek Bohemian Rhapsody Parody Video | Bizarre, Yet Funny

Trekkies can find plenty of Star Trek videos and parodies to watch online. And Queen fans can find a good selection...
Kristy Pruitt
22 sec read

How To Video | Making Rocky Road Balls

Is it just me, or do none of the candy factory workers look very happy in this video?
22 sec read