Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Only someone on par with Britney Spears would start off a conversation with a boy at a dance club by calling...
American Idol is back! You know what that means: a whole lot of “memorable” auditions before we get into the serious...
When an election campaign really starts going, you can usually count on someone mentioning subliminal messages.
You may know Penn and Teller as magicians, but they also have another side. In a series of videos, they declare...
The battle for supremacy in the next generation high definition DVD format wars is getting nastier and more complicated by the...
In most English-speaking countries table cloth tricks are considered just that- tricks. In Japan, on the other hand, the activity can...
The first Amendment makes sense “freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition”. Though, I never understood why some Amendments were...
I miss Chris Farley. He was (and still is) one of my all-time favorite comedians. Here we have a seldom seen...
This is a video clip of Australian comedian Jim...
Ok, probably like most of you I heard all over the TV and the internet about Hilary’s supposed meltdown, or crying...
In the Netherlands, aspiring science geeks were encouraged to submit home made myth-busting videos. Competition was fierce, with many lured by...
We’ve featured lots of funny stuff from Japanese TV here on Web TV Hub. Now here’s a bizarre little Chinese board...
Your weekly dose of celebrity gossip is back again. We already knew that Jamie Lynn Spears was, unfortunately, following in her...
What the hell? Am I missing something here? This video has had over 2 million page views and I can’t understand...
Weekend Plans on These guys sing a funny song and tune that at first looks like a poor attempt to...
Okay, I will admit it – I didn’t see the solution to this trick coming. And I imagine your friends down...
It’s obvious that T.G.I. Friday’s restaurants were named by an optimist. For the rest of us, there’s I.F.H. Monday’s. It’s not...
One more reason you should buy an Xbox for every guy you know. It will make the world a better place.
John McCain is one of the republican candidates for the upcoming presidential elections in the USA. He’s currently a senator and...
The Japanese are infamous for creating some of the weirdest videos we’ve featured on Web TV Hub. This is no exception....
Remember the old ‘George of The Jungle’ cartoon where George would swing on a vine and hit a tree on accident...
My personal opinion of Dr. Phil does not contain an ounce of respect, and my mother always told me that if...
This short film is so simple, but I found it compulsive viewing. It features one hundred drummers, aged from one to...
I love Whose Line Is It Anyway.
I don’t know why I always seem to have a fascination for things in space; perhaps because it is always so...
Online video sharing is one of the new trends in technology which has exploded in the last year, with different sites...
I have to say, for a country that is usually very ‘hush hush’ about anything sexual, the US is quite impressive...
The ol’ ‘rip off the table cloth’ trick has been done a thousand times. The same can be said for juggling...
Remember that gorgeous little piano prodigy Ethan Bortnick? Well Jay Leno’s kid has some competition from another adorable six-year-old, Emily Bear....
We all know by now of the latest goings on in the life of Britney Spears: She had a breakdown after...