Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!

Awesome Videos to Watch Now

Cute Animated Video | Poor Gopher Can’t Catch a Break

Gopher Broke, a gorgeous little cartoon from Blur Studios, tells the story of the world’s unluckiest gopher. He’s desperate to sample...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Funny Broken Toilet Humor Video | A Shit Story: Dating Problems With Poop

Don’t act like this has never happened to you. Everyone experiences some sort of potty problem once every blue moon. Usually,...
Iman Peera
23 sec read

Get Revenge With Photoshop | No Restraining Orders Here

Obviously this is the first session of this You Suck At Photoshop video montage, and this guy is quite apparently unhappy...
Julie Popp
30 sec read

Hilarious Moment of Stupidity Video | Potato Gun Shot to the Face

This video is one of those things you don’t want to look at but can’t look away… This guy definitely deserves...
23 sec read

Funny Writer Montage Video | Classic Writer Moments in Film

This is a video every writer or even everyone who has fancied him/herself as a writer will enjoy. As for the...
23 sec read

Whopper Freakout Parody | Freaking Out Ghetto Style

If you watch television at all, you’ve surely seen the new Whopper Freakout ads in which Burger King employees tell customers...
Kristy Pruitt
24 sec read

Weird Powerjet Ad Video | More Soap is the Last Thing This Crackpot Needs!

We all know the main purpose of a commercial is to sell a product. But this one for Powerjet, a car-washing...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Freaky Crossbreed Animal Video | Genetically Bread Zebra + Horse = Zorse?

Remember that stupid movie Napoleon Dynamite where Napoleon draws the Liger? While a cross between a tiger and lion has yet...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Young Kid Beating The Original Simon Game (Video) | 31 Button Presses Later, He Wins!

If you’re anold git like me (once I hit 30 that was it I’m afraid) you may remember the original memory...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Strange Internet Dating Video | This Girl Is Whack

Ok, first of all, who the hell starts off their video dating tape by saying that they don’t shower, and end...
Julie Popp
34 sec read

Stupid French ‘Millionaire’ Contestant Video | Who Wants To Be A Dumbass?

Don’t get me wrong, I like French people in general. If it weren’t for France, the world would miss a ton...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

World Record Motorcycle Stunt Video | Robbie Maddison Jumps Football Field

Most of us celebrate the New Year with a late night, good company, and a few drinks. But not Robbie Maddison....
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

George W. Bush Parody Video | Random Ramblings With a Side of Truth

American President George W. Bush does a fine job of making a fool of himself without help from anyone else. But...
Kristy Pruitt
24 sec read

UFO Invasion Visible On Google Earth? (Video Clip) | Flying Discs Spotted On Google Earth

We’ve seen quite a few supposed UFO sightings, and definite hoaxes on WebTVHub, but none quite so intriguing as this footage...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Girl Gets Owned By Gun | Some People Shouldn’t Try This At Home

I’m not necessarily a big person either, and I shot a rifle once and thought I was going to fall on...
Julie Popp
31 sec read

Awesome News Clip Video | Chess Sharpens Wit…and Helps Prevent Alzheimers?

People have known for a long time that strategy games like chess and logic and number puzzles are very good for...
24 sec read

Funny Pool Prank Video | “Lifeguard” Jamie Kennedy Takes A Piss In A Pool

Imagine this: it’s a hot summer day and you’re chilling in the pool. All of a sudden, the lifeguard blows his...
Iman Peera
22 sec read

Dancing Redneck Video | This Guy Literally Dances Like Nobody’s Watching

Part of the fun of going to concerts is seeing your fellow concertgoers dancing around and making fools of themselves. At...
Kristy Pruitt
27 sec read

Hilarious Yet True Stand Up Comedy Video | Joe Rogan on Mysteries of Egypt

In this funny stand up comedy video, Joe Rogan presents his theory on how Egyptians built the pyramids.
24 sec read

World Record Limbo Video | How Low Can He Go?

In my younger days I fancied myself as a bit of a limbo whiz. I was pretty unathletic, but so flexible...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

TV News Traffic Girl Breaks Out In Soulja Boy Dance | This Is News?

The Dancing Weather Girl – Watch more free videos Mmmm kay. Whatever that was. I’m still not exactly sure what happened...
Julie Popp
28 sec read

Is America Fascist? Video | The Top Ten Signs Your Country May Be Becoming Fascist

There is increasing evidence that the USA is going the way of almost every superpower before it, and trying to maintain...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Movie Etiquette Video | Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Say to Jerks at the Movies

Have you ever gone to the movies and been appalled at how little respect your fellow moviegoers have for others who...
Kristy Pruitt
26 sec read

Hilarious News Blooper Video | Do You Get Spanked?

I feel sorry for newscasters because they have to talk so much, and when they screw up people tend to criticize...
21 sec read

SuperDeluxe Features Exclusive Comedy Videos | Comedy Central Comics’ Web Series

If you’re sick of turning on the TV only to see the same old comedy repeats, look no further. SuperDeluxe brings...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Amazing Animal Art Video | Elephants Paint Better Than Most People!

Here at WebTVHub we have a habit of finding videos that leave most of us feeling inadequate. Remember Pete the skateboarding...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Amazing Soccer Trick Penalty Kick Video | Ultimate Fake-Out Hungarian Football Goal

At first glance, this video seems pretty average. So he faked out the goalie and scored a penalty kick, so what....
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Dumb Cop Tasers Himself During An Arrest | Suspect Goes Unhurt

With “Don’t Taser Me Bro” and the drunk who withstood over 5 minutes of being tasered, 2007 is quickly turning into...
Julie Popp
29 sec read

U2 – ‘New Year’s Day’ Music Video | A Classic Tune From The Irish Rock Group

Well, have you got a hangover? I haven’t, mainly because a course of antibiotics has stopped me from drinking for the...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Awesome Science Experiment Video | Make Awesome Rainbow Milk

The best science experiments are the ones you can do at home using things you already have to create and awesome...
24 sec read