Educational internet TV channels and videos
I’m pretty sure you’ll have heard the tragic tale of Harambe, the silverback gorilla killed at Cincinnati Zoo earlier this year...
In athletics, records are getting beaten all the time. It’s as if athletes these days are faster, stronger, and more capable...
Heaven forbid that the US and countries with similar education models take a moment to consider that they might not be...
Unless you’re one of those masochistic types who derives pleasure from suffering, you’re unlikely to actively enjoy putting Ikea furniture together....
“In the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply.
Have you ever wonder why Canada isn’t part of the United States of America? After all, the two countries are inexplicably...
“Next Tuesday night, most of us will be filling out the census, whether out of a desire to provide better information...
“In this video, we meet Jeff, Rose, and their 5 girls who are living completely off grid on a 40-acre piece...
Didn’t they already make that movie?
“It’s often said that money makes the world go round – so what would happen if there was no money left?...
The United Kingdom is in a state of turmoil right now, with half of the country voting to leave the EU...
The question is: Why would you want to?
Keep calm. No, seriously. It’s good for your genes.
“You may have heard the rumor. Every seven years your body becomes a whole new person. But is there anything to...
“Join Hank Green to learn ten weird, scary, and amazing things fungi can do!” – YT
“It is an unremarkable and rather fragile plant, but a flowering herb that frustrates gardeners for being notoriously difficult to grow...
“As unpleasant as it is, the nausea and vomiting of “morning sickness” experienced by two-thirds of pregnant women is Mother Nature’s...
Understanding an issue goes a long way in learning how to deal with it.
This still doesn’t explain pooping in shoes. My cat doesn’t, but I’ve heard some bad stories.
“JAMES COOK only had a small library on the Endeavour as he sailed the seas in search of land to claim.
Repeat this: Antibiotics do nothing against viruses. Antibiotics do nothing against viruses.
“Listen closely, as this may be your best chance to survive a kidnapping/abduction.” – YT And learn stuff about Rob Dyke.
“Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is an unusual condition of the nervous system characterised by the compelling need to move the legs.
If I was to tell you that all alcoholic drinks made in the United States is radioactive you’d probably call me...
Sleep boozing? I know that’s not the answer, but is that a thing? An actual thing?
“Matt Groening’s attention to detail is awesomely insane.” – YT
“There have only been six double dissolution elections in Australia’s history, so what are they, why would Malcolm Turnbull consider calling...
“You have your mom’s smile, your dad’s eyes, and the ear muscles of a Triassic mammal.
“Did you know that St. Patrick wasn’t Irish? Or that green wasn’t even his color? These are 25 little known facts...