Financial Television and Video – Video clips and TV stations about the stock market, financial advice, business finance, loans and credit cards.

Finance TV

Watch Why Switch to Credit Union on Bank Transfer Day News Video

November 5th is bank transfer day, and people are switching out of banks and into credit unions for the reasons stated...
23 sec read

Watch Pope Calls For New Global Central Bank News Video

So El Pope wants a system where ‘principles’ trump ‘profit’. But only Catholic principles, I’m guessing. Ever heard of separation of...
25 sec read

Watch Obama’s Student Loan Forgiveness & Relief Plan News Video | Critical Economical Changes

President Obama has outlined a plan to speed up the plans to provide relief for the millions of Americans struggling with...
25 sec read

Watch Bank of America Adds $5 Per Month Debit Card Fee Video | Bank of Stupidity

Bank of America looks to be heading down a toilet that not even the government can fish them out of.
24 sec read

Watch Awesome Kiva.Org Loans 2005 to 2011 World Map Video | Microloans, Not Missles

“What happens when 620,000 lenders fund 615,000 entrepreneurs, students, and other microfinance borrowers around the world?
25 sec read

Watch Understand America’s Debt Problem in Four Minutes Video | US in Trouble or Not?

From YT: “In which John discusses the U.S. public debt, our dangerously high debt to GDP ratio, the S&P’s downgrade of...
24 sec read

Watch Dow Jones Plunges Over 500 Points News Video | Stock Market Predicts Economic Recession?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has plunged over 500 points with major selling off as worries over the US economy is...
22 sec read

Shocking News: Son of Bernie Madoff Is Dead (Video) | Mark Madoff Alleged Suicide

Just hours ago it was reported that Mark Madoff hung himself in his apartment while his 2 year-old was in it....
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Watch Official ‘Inside Job’ Dark Wall Street Documentary Film Trailer Video

Directed by Charles Ferguson and narrated by Matt Damon, Inside Job is a documentary film that takes a closer look at...
23 sec read

Watch Why Canada Banking System is Better than USA Banks Video

The Canadian financial system has much more regulation than the US system, proving the many ways the US could have survived...
22 sec read

Watch Apple Earnings Talk News Video | iPhone Sales on Fire

Apple company stock owners are cheering today as Apple earnings soar beyond expectation – largely due to an even bigger iPhone...
22 sec read

New Credit Card Laws 2010 (Video) | Suze Orman Explains The Benefits

The video above is from last year where Suze Orman explained the new credit card laws. She called them “too little,...
Iman Peera
42 sec read

Ticketmaster & Live Nation Merger (Video) | Will The Monopoly Raise Concert Prices?

This deal has been in talks for almost a year now, but today it was made official in the US. Ticketmaster...
Iman Peera
32 sec read

Awesome Swedish Bank Super Low Interest Loan System Vid | People Helping Others

JAK bank in Sweden has devised a system of savings and low interest loans that supports members, not the accounts of...
24 sec read

American People’s Money Used to Support Taliban? (News Video) | Millions of Dollars in Bribes

Unknown to most of the US public, the United States military is using tax dollars to pay the Taliban for safe...
26 sec read

Nicolas Cage Broke – CNN Celebrity News Video | Star Selling Homes & Assets to Break Even

Despite having earned $40 million in just one year, star Nicolas Cage is selling his homes and assets to break even....
22 sec read

Michael Moore ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ Movie Trailer | Wall Street Exposed This October

Early this year, Michael Moore warned Wall Street that they “better watch out” and a just few weeks ago he teased...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Watch Money Expert Suze Orman Video | Financial Advice for Young Fabulous & Broke Generation

This is a great clip from financial expert Suze Orman’s chat to ‘Generation Broke’ and their parents. This video focuses on...
22 sec read

Will Ferrell Crashes CNBC News Video | Funny Interruption Of Live TV

The news has been a bit of a downer lately, so I thought I’d share this more lighthearted clip of Will...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Government Debt by Glenn Beck Video | President Obama Spending Devalues US Dollar

You know that the economy has truly hit hard times when Glenn Beck has to leave his usual set and ‘borrow’...
25 sec read

Obama Punch Drunk Video | President Laughs At Recession During ’60 Minutes’ Interview

Hot on the heels of Obama’s appearance on The Jay Leno Show, where he made an ill-advised joke about the Special...
Dave Parrack
42 sec read

Global Economic Crisis Video | Brown and Obama Complain Of Having No Money

This video is so bad it’s good. Seriously. It goes all the way around the pants-o-meter that it comes out the...
Dave Parrack
42 sec read

Donald Trump Being Sued Video | Middle Class Investors Angry Over Abandoned Project

It always boils my blood when middle class familes invest their lifesavings only to be taken advantage by large companies. “I’m...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

Billionaires Getting “Poor” Video | Bill Gates Still Richest, Most Losing 25% Of Wealth

As the economy continues to suffer, it is becoming more apparent that it isn’t just the average Joe being affected. In...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Jon Stewart Vs. Jim Cramer Video | The Daily Show Attacks Host Of CNBC’s Mad Money

With the economy in free fall, everyone is looking to blame, and there are a whole host of possible contenders. There...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Interesting News Segment | CNN Reports on How ‘Gold Parties’ Work

People trading in their gold for less than it would sell for on the open market to get paper money that...
21 sec read

Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme Video | He Pulled Off The Same Trick As Charles Ponzi In 1920

In 1920, Charles Ponzi pulled off a new type of pyramid scheme which came to be known by his name. 90...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

How-to News Video | Pinching Your Pennies Helps People Save Money

Okay, I knew that using coupons and discounts could save you money, but I didn’t know it could save you that...
22 sec read

Obama Budget Speech Analyzed Video | Cato Institute Scholars Give Their Views

Obama’s speech to Congress was a very important one. The new President of the United States has been elected at probably...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Obama’s Speech To Congress Video | President Spells Out Economic Recovery Plan

Barack Obama has been President for over a month now, and the time for action is upon us. Obama talked a...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read