Music Videos over the internet
Music Videos
This is a teaser trailer video for the new Muse album titled The 2nd Law. And if you don’t like dubstep...
You know you are a hardcore gamer if you can name all the games featured in this video.
For men there’s little difference between a woman at 29 and that same woman at 31. Gravity hasn’t taken effect yet,...
Bacon is truly fantastic. So fantastic in fact that it can solve any problem, big or small. With a little rubbing.
This is the first trailer for Les Miserables, a movie version of the classic musical. It stars Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe,...
I have seen Google Maps and Google Street View used in some intriguing ways, but never before has it been turned...
There’s a theory that if you put enough monkeys in a room filled with typewriters they’ll replicate the works of Shakespeare....
Doc Watson, the legendary guitarist and blues singer, is in a critical condition in hospital after undergoing surgery to remove a...
Sweden has taken out Eurovision for 2012 with its entrant Loreen and her up tempo song “Euphoria.”
Tupac Shakur has started a trend, despite having been dead for a long time. Even John Mayer is getting on board...
Those who love dubstep really love dubstep. Those who hate dubstep think it’s the worst music ever conceived. If it can...
Robin Gibb, one of the three brothers who comprised the Bee Gees, has died at the tender age of just 62.
There seems to be something strange in Aussie waters. Hot on the heels of Ian Smith’s pop star turn, original Masterchef...
Beloved Australian soap star Ian Smith has unexpectedly released a campy music video. It’s titled “I Don’t Want to Be a...
What better way to celebrate the Facebook IPO than with a few musical numbers? All dedicated to Mark Zuckerberg. And all...
What happens when you lip read Hot Problems by Double Take… badly? This gem of a video, that’s what. Sadly it’s...
Nicki Minaj has teamed up with Chris Brown, best-known for allegedly beating up Rihanna, to duet on a love song. It’s...
There are two things I never tire of seeing on YouTube (apart from cute cats, naturally): the Gingers Have Souls clip...
This is a short video showing the line-up for Rock The Bells 2012 being announced. The festival is coming to San...
Tenacious D are back. With a new album and a new tour, and a new appearance on The Late Show With...
Since the untimely passing of Beastie Boys front man Adam Yauch earlier this month, hundreds of touching tribute videos have hit...
Love or hate (or even have no strong feelings either way) dubstep this video is well worth watching. It shows a...
Against Me! lead singer Tom Gabel has announced he is transgender, has a condition called gender dysphoria, and will soon begin...
Passion Pit are an American band from Massachusetts who play music described as electropop. This is their new single Take A...
Yesterday we saw the music video for Hot Problems by Double Take. Today we have the only parody of it you’ll...
And there we all were thinking Rebecca Black was the worst singer alive, with the worst songs that contained the most-banal...
Peter Alsop looks to address the burning question about what happens after death with his cheerful children’s song “Where Will I...
Whether you’re a fan of DJs, or like to bash DJs for “not playing real instruments,” there’s a new documentary for...
I remember discovering the music of Def Leppard as a kid and being agog at the musical prowess of Rick Allen....
Barack Obama reaffirmed that he’s the coolest president of all times with his recent slow-jamming appearance on Late Night with Jimmy...