Music Videos over the internet

Music Videos

Mookie Morris “Canadian Idol” Top 6 Video | Mooks Rocks “Magic Carpet Ride”

There’s something special about Canadian Idol’s Mookie Morris. Every week I’m not quite sure what he’s going to perform. Then I...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

We Remember Isaac Hayes | Soul Legend Performs “Shaft” Video

Another day, another death of an iconic black man. We were all still grieving Bernie Mac, when we lost Isaac Hayes....
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Barack Obama Does Rick Astley Video | Can We Call This A Barack Roll?

This video was just what I needed to start my working week. I love it because it features two of my...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Hilarious Joe Cocker Music Video | Live at Woodstock 1969 (With Subtitles)

If this doesn’t make a great ‘Thank God It’s Friday’ video, then I don’t know what does.
22 sec read

Green Viral Videos | Top 10 Environmental Video Memes Bringing Humor To Subject

Environmental or green issues are now more important than ever, with more need to educate future generations as to the harm...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Amazing Telephone Tone Musician Video | Mozart’s Turkish March Done With Phones

Some people get really bored at the office. Take this person for example, who has enough time on his or her...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Rage Against The Machine – ‘Fuck The Police’ Music Video | RATM Cover N.W.A.

Let me say straight away that I don’t hate cops. They are after all just people doing their job, and a...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Cute Nostolgia Video | Muppets Ode to Joy – With Beeker

And now for a bit of silliness and nostalgia for your Wednesday night/Thursday afternoon.
23 sec read

Mackenzie Crook and Iain Lee Sing ‘The Cock Song’ (Video) | My Cock’s Bigger Than Yours

Mackenzie Crook is a world famous actor best known for being the gimpy looking one in Pirates Of The Caribbean, and...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Cool Music Video | Stairway to Heaven on the Harp (Full Version)

Stairway to Heaven: Helping bring the “cool” back to playing the harp.
22 sec read

Fresh Prince Of Gotham Video Clip | Crossing The Dark Knight & Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

The Dark Knight, the long-awaited sequel to Batman Begins, is now out in cinemas around the world, and doing brilliantly at...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Star Wars Dance – Stop Frame Video Animation With Boba Fett | Flashdance Spoof

In the original trilogy of Star Wars movies, Boba Fett was a hard nut bounty hunter employed by Jabba The Hutt...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Bagpipes Banned In Scotland! – Video Evidence Of The Problem On Edinburgh’s Royal Mile

What’s the endearing image that you have of Scotland? Men in kilts, haggis, the Loch Ness monster, and a hairy Scotsman...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

The Most Amazing Snare Drum Solo Video | Ivan Pacheco From Blue Devils Wows Crowd

As a former drummer myself, I can safely say that this is the best snare drum solo I have ever seen....
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Cool Beatbox Video | The Definition Of One-Man Band

Some people in our overstimulated world would not be impressed by a guy who throws together four different sounds of beatbox...
Julie Popp
22 sec read

Rocker Cusses Out 16 Year-Old Video | Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age Pissed

If you’ve ever seen Queens of The Stone Age live, then you know that lead singer Josh Homme is known for...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Funny SARS Rap Music Video | Embarrassing “SAR-Vivor” PSA From Singapore

I still can’t believe this public service announcement is real. The rapper in this video goes by the name Phua Chu...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

10 Father’s Day Videos To Celebrate Dads Everywhere | From Music Videos To Comedy

Father’s Day is upon us once again, with this Sunday the one day of the year when you are meant to...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Hilarious Misheard Opera Lyrics | Was that “O Fortuna” or “Oh, Four Tuna”?

You know the people who happily sing along to songs they think they know, oblivious to the fact that all the...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

British Army Platoon Performing ‘YMCA’ Video | The Village People Covered Brilliantly

Being a soldier has got to be one of the hardest jobs in the world. It’s dangerous, with many never coming...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Deb “Spoons” Perry on “Australia’s Got Talent” Video | Grandma Rocks Out with Silverware

Australia’s Got Talent is all about celebrating quintessentially Aussie performers. No one embodies this spirit more than this week’s finalist, Deb...
Lauren Katulka
20 sec read

Amazing A Capella Beatboxing Music Video | Naturally 7 Create “Wall of Sound”

We’ve all heard vocal groups who sing like a capella angels. And we’ve all seen our share of beatboxers. But what...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Funny Classic Comedy Video | Hugh Laurie Sings Hey Jude – Chipmunk Style

You have seen him as the grumpy, sarcastic, utterly handsome Dr. House. Now see him in one of his most difficult...
22 sec read

Super Mario Bros. Techno Track (Video) | Using A Nintendo Game As A Basis For Music

There seems to be no end to the ways in which you can use classic Nintendo games such as Super Mario...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Russia Wins Eurovision Video | Dimia Bilan’s Winning Song, “Believe”

I admit it: I’m a Eurovision addict. The songs are cheesy, the costumes are ostentatious, and the presenters are far too...
Lauren Katulka
40 sec read

Folk Cover of “Baby Got Back” Music Video | Jonathan Coulton Reinterprets Sir Mix-A-Lot

New York singer-songwriter Jonathan Coulton probably couldn’t have covered a more unlikely song than Sir Mix-A-Lot’s Baby Got Back. Yet funnily...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

New Weezer’s Pork and Beans Music Video | Featuring All Your Favorite YouTube Stars

Weezer is back! And they have really out done themselves with their latest video for ‘Pork and Beans’ (their new single)....
Iman Peera
23 sec read

Awesome Music Video | Beautiful Music on the Hammered Dulcimer:”The Rakes of Kildare”

I’m not wishing that I could do that, but it’s still pretty darn awesome.
22 sec read

Warped Comedy Love Song Video | Tim Minchin Performs “If You Really Loved Me”

Tim Minchin is one of Australia’s most talented musical comedians. He’s also perhaps the sickest. And what a brilliant combination it...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

David Cook Wins “American Idol” Video | First Performance of Winner’s Single “This Is the Time”

The votes are in and the winner of American Idol 7 is David Cook! This video shows you the nail-biting verdict...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read