“A federal appeals court ruled on Friday to vacate the death sentence of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who along with his brother planted...
“Tom Hopper is back playing superhero on our screens in season two of Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy, this time set in...
“Disney Channel Original Movies have been a family staple since Tiger Town first premiered, and 2020 isn’t breaking with tradition despite...
Have you ever wanted to hear what Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit would sound like if it had been written 2,000...
Herman Cain, a trailblazing businessman and former presidential candidate, has died aged 74.
“Herman Cain, who rose from poverty in the segregated South to become chief executive of a successful pizza chain and then...
“It took a powerful singer to usher in the spirit to bid a powerful man farewell.
“A bridge over Tempe Town Lake caught on fire and partially collapsed after a train derailed on the morning of July...
“Michelle Obama and former President Barack Obama reflected on the insights gained while attending elite colleges and how they leveraged that...
“Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is resting comfortably in a New York City hospital after undergoing a medical procedure to...
“Madonna, the Queen of Pop, has become one of those people who share convoluted conspiracy theories on their social media page.
“The Roy family drama will continue to amuse and horrify us all when Succession returns to HBO for a third season....
“Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have welcomed their first child.
“The Ellen DeGeneres Show‘s workplace environment is a subject of an inquiry launched by Warner Bros. TV Group, which includes the...
“Young love is anything but simple and sweet in the world of After We Collided. The upcoming drama picks up where...
“Hand sanitizers are everywhere these days — store counters, car cup holders and even belt loops — as people try to...
“President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, has tested positive for Covid-19, according to an official familiar with what happened.
“Former presidential candidate Herman Cain is receiving oxygen and improving as he remains hospitalized for Covid-19, according to his Twitter account.
“Regis Philbin, the affable talk show host and a fixture of the small screen for decades, has died at 88.
“Fleetwood Mac co-founder and influential blues rock guitarist Peter Green has died aged 73.
“If you remember what Elon Musk said about coronavirus in the pandemic’s early days (including his dead-wrong prediction that the U.S....
“Like the elements that she discovered — polonium and radium — Marie Curie was “unruly,” says actor Rosamund Pike. Pike plays...
So the reviews for The Kissing Booth 2 aren’t exactly the most positive, but this is actually a pretty fun round...
“What with a contentious presidential election, a global pandemic, and the postponed release of the Top Gun sequel, you’d think there’d...
“Things are heating up between Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly. The pair went very public with their romance when they...
“The US Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Defense announced on Wednesday a $1.95 billion agreement with Pfizer...
“Stanley Robinson, a former star forward for the University of Connecticut’s basketball team, has died, the school announced on Wednesday.
“Selena Gomez is celebrating her birthday by giving back. The actress turned 28 on Wednesday, and announced that her beauty brand,...
“The United States government has abruptly ordered China to “cease all operations and events” at its consulate in Houston, Texas, according...