Genre Nintendo has announced a new Pokemon game. It’s called Pokemon Unite, was developed in partnership with Tencent, and is coming...
“A magnitude 5.8 earthquake shook California on Wednesday morning around 10:40 a.m. PDT. The epicenter was located just miles away from...
“Dennis Quaid and his fiancée Laura Savoie have made it official.
“GNC has filed for bankruptcy, warning it will close up to a quarter of its stores and search for a buyer.
With so much going on in the world at the moment, everyone and everything is being affected. Even television shows we...
“Bill Cosby’s wife said she’s “very, very pleased” with an appeals court’s decision to review his sexual assault conviction — and...
The Last of Us Part II is a hugely anticipated game. After all, the first game was a phenomenal success when...
On July 3rd, 2020, Hamilton will be available to stream on Disney+. And this is the official trailer designed to get...
“Michael Keaton is reportedly in talks to pick up the cowl again and reprise his role as the Dark Knight in...
“Fans of the musical “Hamilton” have reason to celebrate this summer.
“A cloud of dust blowing through the Gulf of Mexico may not sound like an encouraging forecast, but it might be...
Wow. I struggle to find the words.
“Veteran British actor Ian Holm has died at age 88. He was beloved by audiences as Bilbo Baggins in The Lord...
“Tonight is my last new show for the summer,” Jimmy Kimmel declared from his home studio on Friday.
“Former national security adviser Susan Rice slammed the Trump administration as “racist to its core” and said that supportive senators belong...
“Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx has confirmed that he will play Mike Tyson in an upcoming biopic about the life of the...
“Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla., has a rising national profile.
“Donald Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, said she won’t wear a face mask at the president’s campaign rally on Saturday, saying...
“A 16-year-old rising star in sport climbing died in a fall on Sunday in France.
That went to places I could have never expected. 10/10 good content
As someone who has struggled with his weight his entire life, I know how difficult it can be to first lose...
EA is releasing a new Star Wars game later this year which will let you pilot famous ships from the films...
“A rising star in Bollywood, Sushant Singh Rajput, has been found dead in his apartment in Mumbai.
“Idaho police confirmed the two sets of human remains found at Chad Daybell’s home were those of two missing children who...
It’s the internet. People are going to find out!
“If you watched SmackDown on Friday, you saw Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles have possibly the best WWE match since shows...
“You’ll breathe a sigh of relief when the credits finally roll on The Last of Us Part 2.
The Last of Us has been hailed for a long time for its art, its story, and more. With Part Two...
“A remake of Demon’s Souls, FromSoftware’s punishing action roleplaying game, is coming to PlayStation 5, Sony announced today. Bluepoint Games, which...