“Marvel Cinematic Universe’s latest superhero is not, in the conventional sense, either “super” or a “hero,” but he does have an...
“A 12-year-old child died after a shooting at Tanglewood Middle School in Greenville Thursday afternoon, the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office has...
“The Kardashians launches next month on Hulu, and it is not expected to include former KUWTK mainstay Caitlyn Jenner. Jenner recently...
“There will be no E3 this year. In a tweet, Will Powers, PR for gaming peripheral manufacturer Razer, said that he...
“Bruce Willis is taking a break from acting due to a brain disorder called aphasia, “which is impacting his cognitive abilities,”...
“Aphasia is a condition that robs you of the ability to communicate. It can affect your ability to speak, write and...
“These are some of the broad outlines of the sad, sordid soap opera of Hunter Biden — the son of President...
“Harry Styles is spinning right ’round baby, right ’round, like a record baby, right ’round.
“PRINCE HARRY has been skewered for not attending Prince Philip’s memorial, with royal commentator Angela Levin claiming he “didn’t even bother...
“The debate over Will Smith’s shocking slap at the 94th Academy Awards rages on.
“President Joe Biden signed the Emmett Till Antilynching Act on Tuesday, making lynching a federal hate crime after more than a...
“Kevin McCarthy isn’t the only senior Republican who wants to have a talk with Rep. Madison Cawthorn about his claim that...
“Jason Momoa and Kate Beckinsale appeared to have a special connection the night of the 2022 Academy Awards.
“There is another Baldwin on the way!
“Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed the so-called Don’t Say Gay bill Monday, March 28, which is almost certain to prompt...
“Sunday night’s presentation of best documentary feature was something the Oscars strives to be, indelible and unforgettable. But it achieved that...
“The death of Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins is being investigated by Colombian authorities.
“A wildfire broke out March 26 near the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in southwestern Boulder.
“Formula One driver Mick Schumacher said he was “OK” after he was transported to the hospital Saturday following a scary crash...
“Houthi rebels attacked an oil depot in the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah ahead of a Formula 1 race weekend in...
“Triple H, one of the best-known professional wrestling stars of the last several decades, will not perform in the ring again,...
“Multiverses are having something of a moment, popping up in recent movies like Spider-Man: No Way Home and upcoming ones like...
“Another true-life story about surviving the elements, Infinite Storm adds nothing new to the genre, but it is well-photographed, the epic...
“Madeleine Albright, the first woman to be U.S. secretary of state, has died, according to a statement from her family.
“American singer and songwriter Miley Cyrus reassured fans on Wednesday that she, her band, crew, friends and family were all “safe”...
“Hillary Clinton announced on Tuesday evening that she has tested positive for COVID-19.
“Shake out your faux furs and polish your mage staffs: Ruby Guest is getting married. The 26-year-old daughter of actors Jamie...
“After a long wait, we finally have a trailer for Sony’s upcoming film Where The Crawdads Sing.
“Some employees of The Walt Disney Company walked off the job Tuesday to protest what they said was the company’s tepid...
“Ava Phillippe is sending her mom Reese Witherspoon all the birthday love.