“British actor Tom Felton, known for his portrayal of Draco Malfoy in the “Harry Potter” movies, collapsed while playing a celebrity...
“R&B superstar R. Kelly was an international sex symbol known for his playboy lifestyle, but his relationships were consensual and the...
“Shawn Mendes wants a better future.
“Fractured front-office relationships and a consensual interoffice relationship created a problematic and untenable workplace within the Minnesota’s Timberwolves basketball operations department,...
“Influential director Melvin Van Peebles died on Tuesday night at home in Manhattan. The 89-year-old director was best known for his...
“Facing charges for assaulting a woman as a male celebrity means you’re constantly in the spotlight.
“Early ’90s TV is hitting the refresh button this fall, in the case of “The Wonder Years,” delivering an impressive and...
“The woman at the center of a lawsuit against Nicki Minaj and her husband Kenneth Petty is speaking out about the...
“Sharna Burgess admits she’s still “learning” how to be a teacher versus a girlfriend to Brian Austin Green.
“Chelsea Handler has a new beau.
Now this is the kind of sweet video that I would like to see go viral.
“Tottenham and Chelsea came together on Sunday to remember their former striker Jimmy Greaves, who died aged 81.
“Pick your Diamond Dog—that was the challenge Emmy voters gave themselves when they nominated a striking four men from Ted Lasso...
“Rumors have been swirling for months about the status of Adele’s relationship status, but now she is making it official on...
“The Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma, one of Spain’s Canary Islands, erupted Sunday, after several earthquakes were felt over the...
“Daniel Craig bid an emotional farewell to James Bond, and the cast and crew who have worked with him during his...
“Taylor Swift released a new version of her hit song “Wildest Dreams” on Friday after fans got the song trending on...
“A federal advisory panel on Friday unanimously voted to recommend the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorize a third booster dose...
“Norm Macdonald, a comic who was beloved as anchor of “Saturday Night Live’s” popular “Weekend Update” segments, died Tuesday, according to...
“Channing Tatum and Zoë Kravitz didn’t pose with one another on the Met Gala red carpet, but the pair did end...
“Cara Delevingne isn’t one to shy away from a bold look and she walked out onto the 2021 Met Gala red...
“Bob Enyart, who proclaimed himself a “right-wing, religious fanatic, homophobic, anti-choice talk-show host,” has died from COVID-19, according to a Facebook...
“The Met Gala is known for celebrities dressing as outrageously and outlandishly as possible. Dan Levy’s outfit during Monday’s event certainly...
“Congratulations are in order for John Mulaney and Olivia Munn.
““Dancing With the Stars” is gearing up for its 30th season with a jam-packed mix of reality stars, athletes, musicians, performers...
“Hyperventilating in a bathroom, actor Leonardo DiCaprio repeatedly chants “You’re here now” in the opening moments of Netflix’s trailer for a...
“Gavin Newsom’s job is on the line much sooner than he had hoped.
“Tropical Storm Mindy, which formed in the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday afternoon, has made landfall over St. Vincent Island in...
“Tiger King zookeeper Erik Cowie has died at age 52.
“It’s official, Lily Collins and Charlie McDowell are married.