Reality TV Series and Videos available online including internet exclusive reality web series and clips and episodes from regular TV.

Reality TV

Liam McGough Big Brother 8 Video | Liam Wins £100,000 In Cash Thanks To Carole

Whatever happens from now until the end of Big Brother, house mate Liam is already a winning contestant, and quids in...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

HealthiNation Launches Project Greenhouse | One Man’s Journey to Live A Greener Life

‘Carbon’ and ‘footprint’ are the two new buzzwords amongst proprietors of environmentally friendly living, but the majority of the world just...
Andrew Macarthy
39 sec read

Sam Marchant Big Brother 8 Video | The Twins, Emily & Chanelle Have A Foam Fight

The twins Sam and Amanda are either completely naive airheads or media savvy evil geniuses, I can’t out which it is....
Dave Parrack
40 sec read

Sabra Johnson Wins “So You Think You Can Dance” Season 3

Congratulations Sabra! She flew under the radar during the whole series up until the final 4, and then she really started...
Julie Popp
26 sec read

Amanda Marchant Big Brother 8 Video | Brian & Amanda Kiss In The Caravan

Amanda is one of the twins in the Big Brother house, along with Sam. They have now decided to be counted...
Dave Parrack
44 sec read

Sharon Osbourne X Factor Video Clip | Osbourne Drunk – Touches Simon Cowell Up

After my huge post yesterday about celebrity drunks, I thought I’d carry the trend on, and as the new series of...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Carole Vincent Big Brother 8 Video | Carole Strips & Gives Ziggy A Lap Dance!

If you haven’t clicked the Play button and watched this video yet, then I’d urge you to do so, it’s a...
Dave Parrack
44 sec read

Shabnam Paryani Big Brother 8 Video | Shabnam Appearing On ‘Britain’s Got Talent’

Shabnam was the first contestant in this year’s Big Brother show to be evicted, and so the video I’ve chosen to...
Dave Parrack
44 sec read

Nicky Maxwell Big Brother 8 Video | Nicky The BB8 Stand Up Comedian?!?

Nicky was one of the least funny and most boring contestants in this year’s Big Brother. So for her to be...
Dave Parrack
50 sec read

Lesley Brain Big Brother 8 Video | Seany Pulls The Covers Off A Sleeping Lesley

Lesley, surname Brain, now that I didn’t know, at least until I researched her full name for this Big Brother video...
Dave Parrack
41 sec read

The X Factor Winner Leona Lewis Singing ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’

The new series of X Factor starts tonight in the UK on ITV1 at 7.40pm. So I thought we should take...
Dave Parrack
43 sec read

Pauline (Actress Thaila Zucchi) Big Brother 8 Video | Brian Is Told Pauline Is A Fake House Mate

Big Brother 8 will probably be best remembered for Fake Week, the 7 day period where nothing was as it seemed,...
Dave Parrack
39 sec read

Sabra Johnson and Lacey Schwimmer Team Up On So You Think You Can Dance (Vid)

Ok, so I’m a huge Wade Robson fan, and I think his choreography is unique and incredibly inspiring. But even this...
Julie Popp
35 sec read

Laura Williams Big Brother 8 Video | Laura & Seany Test Brian’s Intelligence

Laura is long gone out of the Big Brother 8 house, but I doubt her lifestyle has changed much now she’s...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Seány O’Kane Big Brother 8 Video | Seany Pushes Charley Into The Swimming Pool

After showing Seany being a prat in the Big Brother 8 house yesterday as he wound Gerry up by putting a...
Dave Parrack
43 sec read

Gerry Stergiopoulos Big Brother 8 Video| Condom Gate! Seany Puts A Condom On Gerry’s Monkey

Gerry is very sensitive about a lot of things that go on in the Big Brother house, but what really hits...
Dave Parrack
39 sec read

“Hell’s Kitchen” Season Three Finale Video | Bonnie and Rock Find Out Who Won

All of you Hell’s Kitchen lovers out there finally got the results of the season-long battle last night. What a finale...
Katrina Robinson
22 sec read

Jonathan Durden Big Brother 8 Video | Jonathan Leaves The House After Receiving Bad News

Jonathan had one of the shortest stays in the Big Brother house this year. He entered on Day 17 and left...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Nabeel “Billi” Bhatti Big Brother 8 Video | A Fan Made Compilation Of Billi’s Best Bits

This video of Billi from Big Brother 8 is cheesy as hell, but it’s about the best crappy fan made video...
Dave Parrack
42 sec read

World’s First Competitive Internet Reality Show Announced by Infomedia | “The Next Internet Millionaire” Premieres August 15th

Since the beginning of the reality television boom, different shows have targeted different audiences. It seems as though reality TV show...
Katrina Robinson
39 sec read

Jonty Stern Big Brother 8 Video | Jonty Plays With Teddies & Freaks Out On First Night

Jonty is a freak; there’s no other word to describe him. Actually, that’s a lie, there are hundreds, but most of...
Dave Parrack
39 sec read

Amy Alexandra Big Brother 8 Video | Liam Flirts & Sleeps With Amy

Amy Alexandra is a 21 year old glamour model… but don’t make any judgements purely based on that will you. Instead,...
Dave Parrack
43 sec read

Shanessa Reilly Big Brother 8 Video | Shanessa Gives Brian & Liam A Lap Dance

Shanessa, Shanessa, Shanessa. She may have only been in for all of a week, but in that time she certainly imposed...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

David Parnaby & Kara-Louise Horne BB8 Video | Halfway House Mates Enter The Main Big Brother House

This week in the Big Brother 2007 UK house has been the week of the Halfway House, a seperate compound where...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Lacey Schwimmer and Neil Haskell Dance Contemporary | Mia Michaels’s Story of Dancing in Heaven with her Father

This extremely touching dance was choreographed from the heart of Mia Michaels. It’s about a reunion between Mia and her father,...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Tracey Barnard Big Brother UK Vid Clip | BB8 Tracey Has A Private Rave

Tracey has been rather an oddity in the Big Brother house this year. And not only because of her facial gurns...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Ziggy BB8 Video | Zachary Lichman Reunited With His Dog Molly – Big Brother 2007

Ziggy may have kind of fallen for fellow Big Brother house mate Chanelle while he was in the house, but we...
Dave Parrack
39 sec read

Jaydee Bixby Butchers Green Day on “Canadian Idol” (Video)

I’ve recently posted some brilliant videos of Canadian Idol contestants at their best. However, every now and then someone stumbles so...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Charley Kazim Uchea BB8 2007 Video Clip | Charley Argues While Dressed As A Clown

The bitch is dead!!! Well not quite, but Charley was finally evicted from the Big Brother house last Friday, and this...
Dave Parrack
46 sec read

Chanelle Hayes Big Brother Video Clip | Breaks Up With Ziggy & Argues With Charley

Chanelle came, then went, then came back again, and now has finally gone. Earlier today, Chanelle finally decided she’d had enough...
Dave Parrack
42 sec read