Science Videos and Television Channels — clips, footage and dedicated video websites that connect and educate you with the world of science.


First Double Arm Transplant Video | German Farmer Now Able To Perform Simple Tasks

It’s unimaginable to not have the use of your arms. They are almost essential to doing anything in this word, and...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

CERN Large Hadron Collider (Video) | An Inside Look At The End Of The World?

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is a scientific centre based in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s where the World Wide Web...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Funny Mythbusters Short Video | Adam Savage Tries Helium and Sulfur Hexafluoride

I know what I want for Christmas, and I’m not talking about Adam Savage.
25 sec read

HIV-Immune Cells to Fight AIDS? | Interesting Science Video

The things we humans do to mice. Ah, well. In the name of science…
25 sec read

Amazing Dog Drinking in Slow Motion Video

I’ve always said that everything looks better in slow motion. But I didn’t realize that when we slow things down, we...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Awesome Easy Science Video | The Burning Brillo Pad

VideoSift: You can burn pretty much anything, like steel if the particles are small enough! You’ll need rather fine fibers of...
22 sec read

Beautiful Indoors Waterfall Display (Video) | Creating Pictures & Words With Water

Wow, this video is brilliant. It shows an indoor waterfall display that is unlike anything I have ever seen. It’s not...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

New Shot Prevents Smoking Addictions Video | Better Than Nicotine Patches?

Swedish scientists (bless their hearts) are currently working on what they call the “anti-smoking vaccine” which, they think, will help cigarette...
Iman Peera
32 sec read

Global Warming not Serious? | Weather Channel Founder on Global Warming

If you are a die-hard ‘global warming is happening and is caused by us’ person, I urge you to watch the...
22 sec read

Beautiful Clouds Video | Aurora Cloud Phenomenon Ten Minutes Before Chinese Quake

They are so utterly beautiful, and yet knowing they came about ten minutes before the Chinese earthquake…
21 sec read

Supernova Explosion Simulation Video | If Our Sun Blew Up…

Space and time are quite intangible items, as we are barely able to check out our own solar system close and...
Julie Popp
32 sec read

Cool Ostrich Egg Science Experiment Video | How To Blow Up A Microwave…Or Not

The above clip is taken from the TV show Brainiac in which professional experiments are done. If you ever find yourself...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

Synchronized Metronomes Video | Surprisingly Cool Science Clip

I must admit, I almost didn’t see this video. Watching five synchronized metronomes just didn’t sound very thrilling. But when I...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Best Science Moments Video | Parallel Universe Theory More Accepted

Yum. Quantum physics makes me feel so hot.
24 sec read

Amazing Man Gets Stabbed But Doesn’t Bleed Video | “This Is Not A Trick”

You’ve seen magicians like David Blaine perform some incredible tricks. In this video, a sword is thrust through a man’s body...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

40,000 Bugs Demolishing A Lettuce In An Hour | High Speed Video Clip That Makes Me Itch

Ugh, this video is horrible and virtually unwatchable, but amazing at the same time. Beat the fear, and watch 40,000 bugs...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Interesting News Video | Humans Born Ready to Look for Snakes?

Could it be that our brains are actually hardwired to spot snakes faster than other things? Just might be…
22 sec read

Cool National Geographic Video | Pluto One of Many Beyond Neptune?

While it’s not exactly new news that Pluto is out there, could we finally be extending our reach even further towards...
22 sec read

Colonizing the Moon Video | How Soon Do We Leave?

Despite a lot of criticism from different sources, President Bush put the United States NASA on the track to building lunar...
21 sec read

A Burning Ring Of Fire Video | What Happens When You Set Light To A Circle Of Mousse?

It makes a wonderful display of fire chasing fire, that’s what happens. The best science experiments always result from eager amateurs...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Scientists Grow Heart In Lab | The Future of Organ Transplants Isn’t Stem Cells?

A small group Researchers from the University of Minnesota have finally grown a functioning heart in a lab. Whether or not...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

The Earth Is Flat! Science Vs Religion Debate Video | Does The Koran Know Better?

It seems that even in this supposedly enlightened day and age, there are still people out there who believe the earth...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

The Blue Planet – Discovery Of An Underwater Lake Video | Part Of ‘The Deep’ Episode

David Attenborough is a legend, and his nature documentaries has intrigued and educated television viewers almost since TV began. Some of...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Tesla Coil Guitar Amp Video | Just Think Of The Electric Bill!

I’ve been fascinated by Tesla coils ever since I saw two of them being used to play the Super Mario Brothers...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Interesting Science Video | Science Sensei on Subliminal Messages

When an election campaign really starts going, you can usually count on someone mentioning subliminal messages.
25 sec read

“Mythbusters” Goes Dutch Video | Phone Book Myth Put to the Test

In the Netherlands, aspiring science geeks were encouraged to submit home made myth-busting videos. Competition was fierce, with many lured by...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Planets, Suns And Stars To Scale | Earth Is A Spec Of Dust In The Wind

I don’t know why I always seem to have a fascination for things in space; perhaps because it is always so...
Julie Popp
30 sec read

Learn How to Make Fireballs Video | Easily Play With Fire In Your Hand Trick

I’m sure you’ve seen those videos of crazy rednecks playing with fire. Now, you can see how to properly play with...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Man With Tail Video | Does It Wag When He’s Happy?

Who’s up for a freakshow? Well, maybe not an entire show, but a pretty damn freaky video clip of a guy...
Kristy Pruitt
23 sec read

Freaky Crossbreed Animal Video | Genetically Bread Zebra + Horse = Zorse?

Remember that stupid movie Napoleon Dynamite where Napoleon draws the Liger? While a cross between a tiger and lion has yet...
Iman Peera
30 sec read