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Tech Related
This video shows what it reported to be the new iPhone 4G, Apple’s next big product launch. The leaking ahead of...
Yesterday we found out that cats can not only use an iPad quite comfortably, but that they’re fans of the Apple...
The Apple iPad is designed to be as simple and user-friendly as possible. And it seems this has been managed well...
You’ve probably already seen the supposedly “unbreakable” phone that broke at CES 2010, now Samsung is developing an actual unbreakable phone....
The Gears Of War games are massively popular, almost on a par with the likes of Halo and Modern Warfare. And...
The iPad has now been released into the wild, and Apple fanboys across the U.S. have snapped up the new tablet...
I admit it, I’m a little addicted to Chatroulette, the online video phenomenon that pairs random strangers together for Webcam. I...
Discovery successfully launched at 6:21 EDT this morning from the Kennedy Space Center. On board are a record number of female...
As you’re no doubt aware by now, the iPad was released yesterday, almost three months after it was first unveiled by...
It’s very rare that Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw gives a positive, uplifting, and loving review of a game for Zero Punctuation. It’s...
Whether you’ve ever dared to use it or not, you’ve no doubt heard of Chatroulette, the latest Web phenomenon which works...
We’ve all heard of Google Wave, but if you’re like me, you really don’t know the point of the new technlology....
Lady Gaga’s breakthrough debut single “Poker Face” has been covered by everyone from rocker Chris Daughty to Christopher Walken. But it’s...
Ghost Recon Future Soldier is a game that’s due out on PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii this fall. But prior to...
The new Photoshop release is approaching fast and with it are some incredible features like the “content aware fill” one shown...
So here we have a video review of Sprint’s new 4G phone. It runs off of the Android Platform and looks...
You’re no doubt aware of the Nintendo Wii, which has managed to outsell the PS3 and Xbox 360, its more traditional,...
God Of War III is now out on the PS3, and it’s pretty damn awesome. OK, so it’s linear, and very...
Chatroulette is a Web service which connects you and your Webcam to strangers also with Webcams. Essentially, it’s the online video...
Nature can obviously be a very powerful and scary voice. I’m thinking earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. However, man and...
I could definitely see this product catching on at bars. Basically, it’s a projector that you put over your pool table...
Homemade jetpacks have existed for years, but they usually don’t have as much control or look as sleek as this commercial...
There are many ways to make music with the Apple iPhone, all of which require some simple yet brilliant apps. And...
You’ve no doubt heard of the Apple iPad by now. How could you not have? It’s been all over the Web...
NB: This is an interactive trailer for Just Cause 2, and will therefore navigate away from this page. Just Cause 2...
Chatroulette is a new video chat phenomenon which is taking the Web by storm. In essence, it allows two complete strangers...
Here’s a very strange coincidence that appears in the 90’s TV show Felicity. Actress Amy Smart is considering buying a computer...
Microsoft has scored a definite victory with its latest operating system, Windows 7. It’s everything Vista was not, and much more...
I’m a bit of a part-time geek on the quiet. I know how to do most things on a computer and...
A Pennsylvania school has been sued over the issue of using remotely activated webcams on school-issued laptops to spy on students...