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Tech Related
Sure, you’ve heard about discrimination at the workplace, but never like this. Here two employees are testing the webcam from a...
“Did you take partake in the miracle of human flight, you noncontributing zero? You’re flying!” So shut up and stop complaining,...
Although a tree may be the focal point of a house at Christmas, there are many other ways in which to...
If you have any taste in movies whatsoever then you will surely have loved the first iron man film. It was...
Batman: Arkham Asylum is one of the top-rated games to have been released this year. It’s only been out on PC,...
The Halo series of video games is one of the biggest, most popular, and best around. The first two games virtually...
Pranav Mistry from India shows the many amazing applications derived from his vision of linking the digital world to the visual....
We’ve been unearthing some incredible timepieces on WebTVHub lately. There was the clock where you watch the hands being changed earlier...
Some things are so much cooler than I can describe with words. And so I should really say no more on...
Dave Letterman really doesn’t understand Twitter, bless him. He’s clearly too old, too grumpy, and too much of a technophobe to...
Google Chrome, the search giant’s attempt at a Web browser has been available for Windows-based computers for over a year now...
If you follow technology and consumer gadgets at all you’ll have no doubt heard of the CrunchPad, a tablet computer that...
The Matrix Trilogy is getting on for being ten years old now. Pretty amazing then that the movies still stand up...
Cyber Monday 2009 has arrived, and like every other year, this is a day all about nabbing online bargains. But what...
Transporting crops across countries and across state lines could be a thing of the past as New York leaders are taking...
I dearly love my cat, Hendrix, I really do. However, there are a couple of annoyances in owning him. 1. I’m...
It’s Black Friday today, in case you hadn’t noticed. Which means there are bargains to be had in certain sectors. One...
The must-have toy this Christmas is apparently the Zhu Zhu Pets hamster. This, essentially, is a robot hamster which scurries around...
The Web and viral video has made companies start thinking more about their advertising campaigns. A straight, unfunny video without a...
We may not have invented anything as life-changing as the electric light bulb or car in recent years, but technology is...
Technology and fashion come together in stunningly gorgeous ways with The Galaxy Dress, on display as the center piece at the...
Anyone who uses twitter regularly will know that as great as the social networking site is, it’s prone to outages and...
Anyone who is lucky enough to own an iPhone (and rich enough as the monthly contracts aren’t exactly cheap) should and...
The Cookie Monster is currently sat atop Google’s homepage, literally eating his way through a cookie-constructed Google logo. This is to...
I remember a time when remote-controlled cars were seen as the epitome of technology and entertainment. But the trend came and...
Everyone who owns a PC or Mac should be running some kind of antivirus software. Oh, I know Macs and PCs...
Primer is an independent film made on a very tight budget of just $7,000 back in 2004. It’s on TV today...
There cannot be many gamers who haven’t played Guitar Hero or Rock Band by now. The games are big business, selling...
The folks at Apple proudly boast that there’s an app for almost anything. But perhaps they need to rethink that!
You may have heard by now about the new operating system from Microsoft. It’s called Windows 7 and it was released...