TV Channels with Tech Related TV Shows and Video Clips including software and hardware reviews

Tech Related

Prototype Game Trailer Video | New Sandbox Title For PS3, Xbox 360 Makes You The Hero

I’m sure we all harbor a desire to have superpowers and the ability to kick ass. Well now you can, with...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

IPhone 3G S Review Video | A Tour Of Apple’s New iPhone Announced At WWDC 2009

At WWDC 2009, Apple’s annual developer’s conference, a new iPhone was unveiled. It’s called the iPhone 3G S and is the...
Dave Parrack
46 sec read

Internet Romance and Relationships Global National News Video | One of the Biggest Online Matchmakers

With the statistic quoted in the beginning of the video – 12% of United States newlyweds met online – quoting from...
23 sec read

Tetris Porn Video | An Orgy Of Colored Blocks

It was recently the 25th anniversary of Tetris, the Russian-invented puzzle game which spawned a host of copycats, none of which...
Dave Parrack
42 sec read

Mike Arrington Gets Pwned By Leo Laporte Video | Gillmor Gang Argue Over Palm Pre

The Gillmor Gang is a video podcast where a bunch of tech journalists discuss the latest technology and gadgets. It might...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

25th Anniversary Of Tetris Video | Reaching Level 20 On Original Game Boy Version

Today (June 6) marks the 25th anniversary of Tetris, the classic computer game which is still being played every day by...
Dave Parrack
38 sec read

Amazing Home Technology Video | Smart House Prevents Baby From Electric Shock Accident

In this video, a demonstration is given of a fairly common situation – baby on floor with power plug near by...
25 sec read

E3 2009: Xbox 360 Project Natal Video | Microsoft Unveils Full-Body Motion-Sensing

The Wii has been an absolute phenomenon in the games industry, beating both the PS3 and Xbox 360 in terms of...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Hulu Desktop App Walkthrough Video | No Wonder Boxee Got Told To Get Stuffed

Hulu has been going great guns since it launched in the United States (and only the United States unfortunately) in 2007....
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Microsoft Bing Search Engine Video Demo | How Does Chandler Compare To Google?

When you think of searching for something online you instantly think of Google. The Google search engine is so popular that...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Scary WiFi Scam Video | Are You Paying Criminals?

When I travel and use hotel WiFi access points, I don’t think twice about paying for the internet- especially if I’m...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Cool Breakdancing Robot Video | This Metallic Badboy Has All The Moves – Even A Head Spin

There are robots capable of doing everything these days. Some are designed to act human, some to mow the lawn, some...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Making Old Star Trek Look Like New Star Trek Video | A Shaky Camera and Lens Flare!

The new Star Trek movie, Star Trek XI, is doing fantastic business at the box-office after managing to please old and...
Dave Parrack
38 sec read

Conan O’Brien Phone Directory Fun Vid | GE Voice Recognition Software System Fail

I wonder how long it takes the CEO of GE (General Electric) to call the CEO of NBC to let him...
22 sec read

Zero Punctuation Reviews Valkyria Chronicles Video | JRPG + Gears of War = Frustration

The Zero Punctuation reviews are still must-sees for me despite there being so many. Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw never seems to lose...
Dave Parrack
38 sec read

Space Shuttle Atlantis Launch Video | Lift-Off From The Kennedy Space Center – 05/11/09

Today saw the space shuttle Atlantic lift-off at the beginning of an 11-day mission to the Hubbe space telescope. This video...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Scary Chinese Car Crash Video | What Happens To A Badly-Made Car At 40mph

Most of us regularly travel by car. Although I don’t own one I still go in them often and rarely think...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

The Best Musical Instrument In The World Video | One Contraption Makes Every Sound

Imagine a carefully constructed musical instrument containing every element of an orchestra. Then imagine seeing it played not by dozens of...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Clayton Homes i-House Video | Modular House Builder Unveils New Eco-Friendly Home

Clayton is the largest manufacturer of modular homes in the U.S. today, having built 1.5 million homes since the company was...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Classic How To Go Web Surfing Video | Technology Has Moved On A Lot Since Then

Technology moves at a frightening pace these days. No sooner have you learned how to use something properly than it becomes...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Apple ‘Baby Shaker’ iPhone App Video | Controversial Game Pulled By Apple

The Apple iPhone is a hell of a product, popular, useful, and very cool. One of the most popular aspects of...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Let Me Twitter Dat (The Twitter Rap) Spoof Video | Tweeting The Mundane And Ordinary

If you haven’t heard of Twitter by now then you’re surely in the minority. What started out as an internal company...
Dave Parrack
40 sec read

Flamethrower Combat Robot Video | Awesome Battlebots Wage War In Robogames

Wow. That’s all I can say. Combat robots are hardly a new phenomenon but they’ve rather moved on since I used...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Rodenator Pro Video | Don’t Just Kill Rodents, Enact Genocide On Them!!!

If there’s one thing that Americans excel at it’s killing things. Be it fish, deer, or any of the other animals...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Interactive Easter Egg Hunt Video | Annotations Means A YouTube Easter Hunt

Easter Sunday is finally upon us. This means two things: lots of people celebrating Easter for all the wrong reasons, and...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Associated Press Cock-up Video | AP Sends Cease and Desist Over Embedded YouTube Vid

Associated Press is a news organization which was an integral part of the Internet but is increasingly getting its knickers in...
Dave Parrack
41 sec read

A-Pod Movement Demonstration Video | Cool Creepy Ant Inspired Robot

This video is an excellent demonstration of flexibility of movement and abilities, but couldn’t you have called it something other than...
21 sec read

Conficker Virus Detection Video | Secure Your Windows PC Against April Fool’s Day Worm

This isn’t an April Fool’s Day joke, although I’m sure the creators and propagators of the Conficker virus would love as...
Dave Parrack
44 sec read

Amazing ‘Did You Know?’ Video | Shocking Facts About Jobs & Technology

These statistics may be from 2008, but they are shocking nonetheless. Throw your assumptions about job security, education, and technology out...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Zero Punctuation Video Review | Yahtzee Reviews Resident Evil 5 On PS3 and Xbox 360

It’s that time again, when Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw reviews a video game in his unique style of ripping it to shreds...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read