All Stories

Crazy Evangelical Christian Video | Louis Theroux Talks to Preacher, and Woman Who Used to be a Lesbian!

Louis Theroux is one of those journalists unafraid to step off the beaten path and talk to some really out-there characters....
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Star Wars Vs Star Trek Video Mash-Up | Captain Picard Meets His Match Darth Vader

Star Trek was a revolutionary TV show that brought sci-fi to the masses. And Star Wars then did the same on...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Georgia Tech Fight Song Video With Lyrics | I’m a Ramblin’ Wreck from Georgia Tech

Not being American, or that interested in American football, I must admit that football fight songs, especially those to do with...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Controversial Poem For Thanksgiving Video | William S. Burroughs ‘Thanks For The KKK’

Perhaps one of the most outspoken beatnik poets was William S. Burroughs. Most of his influential work covered, drugs, homosexuality, death,...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Exorcism In A Victoria Secret Video | Crazy Reverend Asks ‘What Would Jesus Buy?’

The man in this video is Reverend Billy from the Church of Stop Shopping. As you might guess, he doesn’t approve...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Cute Marmoset Video | Adorable African Animals with a Little Soul

Fridays are hard. The weekend is so close, but still so far. But some adorable marmosets and some swinging soul music...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

NASA Urine Recycler Video | Testing The International Space Station Water-Purifier

The International Space Station is currently in orbit around Earth, with three astronauts living there at any one time, along with...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Rich Girl Poor Girl: Reality Web Series From The WB | Better Than MTV’s Exiled?

While MTV’s show Exiled sends spoiled girls to the third world, The WB’s latest original web series involves two girls switching...
Iman Peera
52 sec read

Black Friday At Best Buy Video | Crowds Rush In When Doors Open At 5am – Hell On Earth

Today is Black Friday, at least in America. The day after Thanksgiving when retailers expect you to do your duty and...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Gets Rick Rolled Video | Rick Astley Crashed Cartoon Network Float

As an Australian, I must admit most of this Thanksgiving stuff passes me by. But here’s a video that I can...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Classic Friends Video | Joey Gets A Thanksgiving Turkey Stuck On His Head

I was, and still am, a huge fan of Friends, one of the best sitcoms ever made, and probably the funniest...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Easy Bake Lovin’ Web Series Parodies Cooking Shows | If Rachel Ray Was Insane

Easy Bake Lovin’ is an online cooking show hosted by the lonely chef Piper. She describes herself as “just a single...
Iman Peera
45 sec read

How To Cook Turkey 4X Faster Video | Rachel Ray Saves Your Thanksgiving & Dry Turkey

Thanksgiving is upon us, are you prepared? If you’re one of those holiday slackers freaking out because you haven’t yet made...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Kristen Stewart Smoking Weed | Twilight Star High In This Interview? (Video)

Despite poor reviews from The New York Times and Rolling Stone, Twilight is currently the number one movie in the United...
Iman Peera
39 sec read

Discovery News Video | Three Questions on Deception with Professor Tim Levine

I think the difficulty with this video is that it appears he is making the statement that you can’t tell when...
22 sec read

‘The American Way’ To Baste A Turkey Video | 1956 Thanksgiving Commercial Outdated?

If you’re still confused on how to baste (or “butter-bake”) your Thanksgiving turkey, this classic commercial will show you how to...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

CNN Breaking News Video | ATS Chief Hemant Karkare Killed in Mumbai Attacks

“ATS chief Hemant Karkare, two senior police officers and 80 others were killed when terrorists struck with impunity in Mumbai on...
23 sec read

Interesting American Civics Test Video | Ordinary Americans Fail, But Not as Badly as the Politicians

We all like to think that American politicians are the country’s best and the brightest. But then a test comes along...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Bruce Lee Playing Nunchuck Ping Pong Video

Bruce Lee was one of the finest martial artists ever to come out of Hong Kong, and by far the best...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Disturbing Political Video | Stephen Harper and Australian Prime Minister John Howard Give Identical Speeches

Apparently good speech writers are so rare that political people around the world are now just using the same speeches… When...
23 sec read

Watch BURN-E New Pixar Short Movie | 8 Minute Bonus DVD Extra From WALL-E

Here’s the latest short from Pixar released last week as an extra on the WALL-E DVD. This 8 minute short takes...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

“Top Gear” Tests The iReal Video | Like a Wheelchair on Steroids!

In this fantastic video Top Gear’s Richard Hammond heads to Toyota City, Japan to test the future of personal motoring: the...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Video | New York’s Famous Floats, Bands, Balloons March

American Thanksgiving Day is all about tradition, and one of the most famous, after eating turkey, praying, and giving thanks (obviously)...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Adam Sandler Thanksgiving Song Video | For Americans Who Love Eating Turkey

Here is a video of the Adam Sandler Thanksgiving Song in all its glory, if you can call it that. If...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Funny Voice Acting Video | Billy West Does Futurama Voices

I love Dr. Zoidburg, but Billy West voicing Zap Brannigan is right up there in the hilarity scales, too. What’s even...
22 sec read

Taylor Swift and Joe Jonas Break Up In 30 Seconds Video | Lohan A Coke Addict?

The achievement may seem small compared to TV shows, but in terms of online shows the PopCrunch Show has reason to...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Jimmy Kimmel Makes Barack Obama Jokes Video | What’s Racist?

Comedians have made fun of presidents for almost as long as there have been presidents. But it’s a little different this...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Guitar Hero With Drums Video | Playing Guitar Hero With Homemade Drum Pads

I’m a huge fan of the Guitar Hero games, owning them all (apart from the Aerosmith cash-in) and playing them all...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

CNN Live News Video | Obama Announces Economic Advisors Incl. Melody Barnes and Timothy Geithner – 11/24/08

“…at a press conference in Chicago, Obama took the stage with… his core economic team, including Melody Barnes as Director of...
22 sec read

Black Friday Shopping Nightmare Video | Prepare To Queue At Wal-Mart, Best Buy Etc

Black Friday is almost upon us, and many families will be preparing to head out to grab some bargains after Thanksgiving...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read