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John McCain On Jay Leno Show Video | Presidential Loser Defends Sarah Palin

I don’t know about everyone else but I kind of miss the buzz we all felt in the run up to...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

If The Matrix Was Windows XP Video Spoof | Neo Encounters A Fatal Exception

The Matrix may be old now, but the trilogy still kicks serious ass, especially the first film. Which is why there...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Veterans Day 2008 Video | Iraq Veterans Against the War – Remind Obama of Promise to End War

Today is an international holiday – not just Veterans Day in the US – but Davis Fleetwood would like to use...
23 sec read

Humorless Heckler Disrupts Aussie Comedian Video

There is one rule we should all remember when we visit a comedy club: leave your political correctness at the door....
Lauren Katulka
30 sec read

Adorable Cat Impersonates a Slinky Video

Here’s a dose of cute to start off your working week. Who needs a slinky toy when they’ve got this charming...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Awesome College Trick Video | Snake and Pong Games Played with Dorm Room Lights

“A student group in Poland executed a series of projects where they used the lights in their dorm room to create...
22 sec read

McCain Says N-Word In Rap Video | “Palin Was The Choice” Parodies Snoop Dogg

Who knew that a decade after Snoop Dogg’s “Murder Was The Case” was released it would be parodied by these John...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Krill: MSN Sci-Fi Web Series Stars Gladiator Actor | From ‘The Beyond The Rave’ Creators

This month MSN and Endemol UK (the creators of Beyond The Rave) decided to make their answer to NBC’s Gemini Division...
Iman Peera
56 sec read

Prop 8 Protest Video | Gay Marriage Rights Protest Turns Violent At Mormon Church

The recent U.S. election wasn’t just about putting Barack Obama in the White House. There were also other elections taking place...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Luke Dickens “Australian Idol” Top 4 Video | Aussie Shearer Takes on Creed

With just four singers remaining, things are getting serious on Australian Idol. One contestant who’s rising to the challenge is Luke...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Hilarious Super Kaizo World Video | Difficult Mario Level Makes Gamer Crazy (NSFW – Language)

I haven’t heard someone swear so much while playing a game in years.
21 sec read

Funny Mad TV ‘Hooters In Ohio’ Sketch Video | “It This Hooters Or Heffers?”

When a group of guys walk into a Hooters after a long day of work, what they see isn’t exactly appealing....
Iman Peera
27 sec read

New Kat Williams Leaked ‘It’s Pimpin’ Pimpin’ Video | Comedian Explains Why Hilary Lost

Katt Wiliams’ new stand-up special “It’s Pimpin’ Pimpin” will be released on November 11th in it’s entirety. To hype up the...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

McCain’s Concession Speech Remixed Video | If McCain Hadn’t Accepted Defeat Graciously

When Barack Obama was elected President of The United States of America, his opponent, John McCain, graciously accepted defeat and gave...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Rick Astley Is ‘Best Act Ever’ Video | MTV Europe Music Awards Get Rickrolled

Rickrolling has been a huge Internet phenomenon, so much so in fact that it lead Rick Astley to be named as...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Weird Ballot Drop Off At A McDonalds Video | Drive Right To Vote Or Left For Fries

The ‘Video Your Vote’ movement on YouTube has certainly spawned a number of interesting voting occurrences. Take this one for example,...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Disturbing Educational Video | What You Need to Know About Facebook

And you think people who believe the world is out to screw them are just being negative…
22 sec read

Coppola Directs Web Series By Scion | This Kung-Fu Comedy Will “Blow Your Balls Off”

Not too long ago, we heard about Lexus teaming up with a Friends actor. Now it looks like yet another division...
Iman Peera
39 sec read

Amazing Physics Moment Video | Man Loses and Catches Hat on Freefall Ride

Every now and then you see something that is just so amazing, you want to take another look to make sure...
Lauren Katulka
27 sec read

Richard Pryor Was First Black President (Vid Clip) | 30 Years Before Barack Obama

Barack Obama is the first black or African-American President of The United States Of America right? Wrong, Richard Pryor got there...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

President Elect Barack Obama’s First Press Conference Video | Economy & Mutts Like Me

November 7th, 2008 saw Barack Obama hold his first press conference as President Elect. This video shows the C-Span coverage of...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Funny Vintage Television Advert Video | Classic Wendy’s Commercial: Where’s the Beef?

Here lies the origin of the phrase that haunted my childhood: “Where’s the beef?”
22 sec read

Brilliant Halloween Prank Video | Scary Trick Or Treat Dummy Freaks Out Parents

It seems like every year around this time a Halloween prank video surfaces. This latest one involves a dummy, two hidden...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Steven Seagal Runs Like a Girl Video

Steven Seagal was one of the biggest action stars of the 90s thanks to films like Under Siege and Hard to...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Fox News Turns On Sarah Palin (Video) | She Didn’t Even Know Africa Was A Continent

Fox News is notoriously biased in favor of the Republican party in America, with the channel full of right wing loudmouths...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Italian Prime Minister Describes Barack Obama As “Tanned” Video | Racist Or Stupid?

Barack Obama’s election as President of the United States Of America has prompted world leaders to send their congratulations and support,...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Funny South Park Video | Super Secret Agent Sarah Palin

And you thought she was just a (slightly dumb) ordinary woman from Alaska…
21 sec read

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Reacts To Obama’s Win On The View (Vid) | Sudden Change Of Heart

The View is an American talk show where a bunch of women sit around and discuss the issues of the day....
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Heidi Klum in Guitar Hero Ad Video | Supermodel Recreates “Risky Business” Scene

After all the excitement of Barack Obama’s victory, I figured it was time to post something simple, sexy, and fun. Something...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Disturbing C-SPAN Video | American Militia Leader Speaks to The US Senate

This is probably the nicest warning of possible revolution I have ever heard.
23 sec read