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Olsen Twins Getting Boob Jobs Video | Jonas Brothers New ‘Farting Dog’ Movie Crunched

Obama may be the most popular person on the planet right now, but the PopCrunch show reminds us that movie stars...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Barack Obama Is 44th President Reaction Video | Jesse Jackson Cries On Hearing News

This is a very simple but important video, showing one man’s reaction to the news that Barack Obama is the 44th...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

CNN Hologram Television Video | Jessica Yellin Becomes Princess Leia From Star Wars

I watched quite a few different television channels over the course of 2008 Presidential Election night on November 4th, and they...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Barack Obama’s Victory Speech Video | United States Elects First African American President

In a historic victory, Barack Obama has become the 44th president of the United States of America. Most significantly, this charismatic...
Lauren Katulka
31 sec read

Funny Family Guy Video | The Iraq War In 30 Seconds

Just as I was typing this the new President of the United States was officially announced: Barack Obama! I, like many...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Jon Stewart on Proposition 8 Video | California’s Gay Marriages Under Threat

Today millions of Americans visited the polls to decide who will be the next president of the United States. But that...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Indiana Vote Delay Video | Democrat Counters Delayed Waiting for Republican Partners

So much for Republican enthusiasm for the election. Given Indiana is an important election state, I’d be a bit pissed were...
22 sec read

Ann Coulter on Fox News Vid | Claims Slavery Reparations if Obama Elected

Sometimes you listen to someone speak and you can’t help but wonder if they truly realize the words coming out of...
22 sec read

Obama Wins According To The Republicans – McCain Wins According To The Democrats

This video is a brilliant spoof on the 2008 Presidential Election, showing the extreme views each party holds on the other,...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Dixville Notch 2008 Presidential Election Result Video | Obama Wins First Town

Dixville Notch in New Hampshire is traditionally the first town in the U.S. to open its polling and declare a result,...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

New Web Series By ‘The Cleaner’ Creator | Novel Adventures: Product Placement At It’s Cheesiest

Following in the footsteps of Lexus and Lisa Kudrow, car company Saturn has teamed up with CBS to produce a new...
Iman Peera
52 sec read

Ellen DeGeneres Show Vid | Message for Sarah Palin About Gay Marriage

Ah, but you know she wasn’t so nice about the whole thing when she first saw it on CNN…
21 sec read

Starbucks Television Ad Video | Have a FREE Coffee for Voting November 4th

A free coffee for a vote. Sounds good to me.
22 sec read

‘Great American Detour’ Documentary (Vid) | More In-Depth Than Obama’s Infomercial?

While Obama’s 30 minute infomercial only provided an insight into the lives of four struggling American families, “The Great American Detour”...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

What Will Life Be Like Under Barack Obama? (Comedy Video) | Welcome To Obamatopia

There’s a strong possibility that Barack Obama will be the next President Of The United States Of America. If the polls...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

John McCain On Saturday Night Live Video | Republican Candidate Alongside Tina Fey

One thing the Republican campaign duo of John McCain and Sarah Palin has done well in the race for the White...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Celebrities Want You to Vote Video | Don’t Vote Part Two

Recently our favorite celebrities employed a little reverse psychology and told us “Don’t Vote.” If that viral campaign worked, you made...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Shocking Sarah Palin Lynched on Halloween Video | Display Of Senator Hanging Too Far?

I don’t like Palin either but…damn.
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Watch Lewis Hamilton In Brazilian Grand Prix Video | Youngest F1 World Champion

Lewis Hamilton secured fifth place in the Brazilian grand prix to secure the 2008 Formula 1 World Championship. Here are the...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Sarah Palin Prank Phonecall Video | Masked Avengers Pretend To Be French President

The race for the White House is drawing to a close so what better time than now to prank call Republican...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Wes Carr “Australian Idol” Top 5 Video | Folk Rocker Busts Out Some Michael Jackson Moves

Over the weeks I’ve made no secret of my admiration for Australian Idol contestant Wes Carr. He’s been Mr Consistency, delivering...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Tough Girl Owns Bag Snatcher Video

This would-be bag snatcher picked on the wrong woman to mess with! This slender Asian lass looks like a lightweight, but...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Arnold Schwarzenegger For John McCain Election Video | Governor Of California

There’s just days left until America decides who it wants as leader for the next four years. Will it be Barack...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Lost Season 5 Promo Advert Video | Will The Oceanic 6 Go Back To The Island?

The next season of Lost, season 5, won’t be broadcast until 2009 but the first promotional video has already aired and...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Amazing Transformers Costume Video | Optimus Prime Would Approve

The Joker may be the most popular costume this Halloween, but I doubt any could top this transforming costume. One minute...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

JibJab Makes Zombies Out Of McCain, Obama and Palin | Happy Halloween

In the spirit of Halloween and the election nipping at it’s heels, this JibJab video takes the best of both worlds...
Julie Popp
19 sec read

CCN Election 2008 News Report Video | Obama Biden Presidency Online Tax Cut Calculator

You can now go to the Obama tax cut online site to calculate how much in tax cuts (about) you will...
26 sec read

Funny 2008 US Presidential Debate Video | McCain’s Flatulence Problem Rivals Farting Preacher

I needed some comic relief from the election news… John McCain needed some gastro-intestinal relief… It’s all good.
22 sec read

John McCain On Larry King Live (Video) | Tough Question: Is Obama A Socialist?

Embedded video from CNN Video With all the fuss there’s been about Obama lately, it’s almost easy to forget about McCain’s...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Halloween Pumpkins, Obama Style Video | Yes We Carve Inspires Democrats

We’ve all heard of Barack Obama’s catchphrase “Yes We Can,” but what about “Yes We Carve”? It’s the pumpkin carving craze...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read