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Theo Tams “Canadian Idol” Top 4 Video | Beautiful Cover of “You Don’t Know Me”

I’m used to gushing about Canadian Idol, but frankly this week’s episode was a little lacking for me. Even the star...
Lauren Katulka
27 sec read

Anti-War Protestors Outside Democratic Convention (Video) | Chant “Fuck Fox News”

The 2008 Democratic National Convention is currently taking place in Denver in the US, where Barack Obama and his running mate...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Blaze Media Pro Multimedia Conversion And Burning Application For Music, Video & More

Keeping track of all the software required to manage your digital media content can be an absolute nightmare. But there may...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Animator vs. Animation II Video | Animating The Chosen One

And Doctor Frankenstein thought he was cool.
23 sec read

Cute Dogs and Puppies With Bonus Chinchilla Video | Adorable Overload!

It’s Monday. We’re all dragging our feet as the prospect of a far-too-long working week greets us. But there’s one thing...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Pimp My Ride Spoof With Stephen Hawking (Video) | Parody On The Kevin Bishop Show

Depending on your ability to laugh at the darker side of life, you’re either going to find this video immensely funny...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Hilarious Stand Up Comedy Video | Adam Hills on the Australian Accent

Yep, that’s right: Jesus was Australian. Deal with it.
22 sec read

Shocking Taekwondo Olympic Games Video | Cuba’s Angel Matos Kicks Referee

Taekwondo is a spiritual sport, emphasizing discipline and respect above all else. It looks like someone forgot to tell Cuba’s Angel...
Lauren Katulka
31 sec read

Funny Chinese Fans Think He’s Michael Phelps Video | BBC Reporter Look-A-Like

When a BBC reporter was asked to bring down a cut-out of Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps to Tienanmen Square, he...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

2008 Olympic Village In Beijing On Google Earth (Video) | Impressive Aerial Views

The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games has just come to an end, with the impressive closing ceremony drawing a close to proceedings...
Dave Parrack
22 sec read

Fastest Hands in the World Video | Emily Fox Breaks Cup Stacking Record

They say everyone’s got a talent. Emily Fox’s just happens to be stacking paper cups. It’s not particularly useful, but it...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Tiger Woods Walks On Water Glitch Video | New Video Game Ad Compares Him To Jesus

Not too long ago, a YouTube user Levanator25 uploaded a video from Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 that showed Tiger standing...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Nicole Cammack Big Brother 9 Eviction Video | Most Hated Housemate Ever Gets Booed

Big Brother 9 UK is nearly at an end and everyone is starting to think about who they want to win....
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Interesting News Video | Psychiatric Drugs Link to Young Adult Violence and Suicide

Finally someone is taking a look at what is likely to be the true reason behind children and young adults growing...
24 sec read

Funny Chris Rock Interviews George Carlin Video | “Thank God For Acid” Classic TV Moment

Chris Rock is one funny dude and George Carlin is no doubt a legend. Just having the two in the same...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Gremlins Attack Movies Video | 1980s Critters in Film Classics

I must admit, I’ve never actually seen the Gremlins movies. They were released when I was a young girl and they...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Beijing 2008 Olympic Village Made With Cards (Video) | 140,000 Cards & Bags Of Patience

The Beijing 2008 Olympics comes to an end this weekend, and the Games have given us all some amazing moments both...
Dave Parrack
22 sec read

Famous Aussie Celebrities Who Earn Big Bucks

They’re gradually taking over. Hollywood, the music industry and the small screen are only some of the arenas Australians are making...
John Thomason
7 min read

Swimmer Michael Phelps Bad Behavior? | Funny Unsportsmanlike Beijing Olympics Video Clip Spoof

Come on now Michael. Did you really need to do that? You should play nice in the pool with the other...
22 sec read

Hooters in Beijing Video | Even Better Than the Olympic Games!

All eyes are on Beijing at the moment as the world celebrates our fastest, strongest, and most skilled athletes. But in...
Lauren Katulka
29 sec read

Amazing Lifelike Computer Animation Video | “Emily Is Not Real” But Looks It

Meet Emily. She isn’t real, but I’d have a hard time discerning her from many models on TV. I’d say this...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

NSFW (Language) Halo 2 Video | Sleepy Gamer Cops Funny Abuse

You know you have been playing Halo 2 too long when you fall asleep while the game is still going.
22 sec read

Know Your Meme Video | All Your Base Are Belong to Us – Origins

All your base are belong to history.
23 sec read

World’s Tallest Twelve-Year-Old Boy Video | Seven Feet and Still Growing!

In many ways, Brendan Adams is like any other twelve-year-old boy. He loves to hang out with his friends. He’d love...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Famous Last Nerds: Sickest White MC’s On The Net | Videos From MTV Sketch Veterans

Famous Last Nerds are actually an Emmy-nominated duo of comedic writers. Both Jordan Allen-Dutton and Erik Weiner got their BFA’s from...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Ernest Borgnine Reveals Secret To Looking Good In Old Age (Video) | You’ll Be Shocked!

Whenever anyone reaches a certain age, they are always asked the question: what is your secret? The answers can range from...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Funny Dave Chapelle vs Katt Williams Video | Battle Of The Best Stand-Up Comedy

As a fan of both comedians, I have to say I was thrilled when this video surfaced. Using three topics or...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Britney Spears Bad Live Singing Video | Proof She Really Can’t Sing

I could have shared this video a year ago, but then again, I didn’t want Chris Crocker spamming my email. So...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Earl Stevenson “Canadian Idol” Top 5 Video | Big Earl Rocks The Beatles

Last night’s episode of Canadian Idol was one of the very best I can remember. Encouraging the judges to choose each...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Watch Top Gear Channel Online | 1st YouTube Video Channel Dedicated to a BBC TV Series

You know a show is successful these days by what sort of presence it has online. A dedicated YouTube channel is...
Dave Parrack
1 min read